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Thread: Muscle recovery

  1. #1

    Muscle recovery

    Studies tell us naturally muscles recover in about 48h, but how long will this takes on roids (does it depend on which roid?)
    Not saying i will train chest and biceps every day, i´m just curious

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You must have misread those studies bro.

    Large muscle groups take up to 96 hrs to recover whereas small muscle groups take up to 72 hrs to recover, not to mention pace of recovery will be determined by a)the amount of hypertrophy that occurred during training, b)quality of rest and nutrition.

    It does not take to be a genius to estimate that AAS accelerates pace of recovery to a significant extent, but then one is able to hit the muscle much harder by training it either with more volume or greater intensity while on a cycle, meaning that it may still take the same number of hrs for those torn muscle fibers to completely recover.

  3. #3
    Thanks for answer bro, it was helpful.

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