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Thread: 1st cycle - Any help would be appreciated!

  1. #1

    1st cycle - Any help would be appreciated!

    Ive been reading every post and article i can get my hands on for the past several months and have found ALOT of conflicting information. I was originally sold on the idea of doing a "no-test" cycle, but after reading about the potential damage to my endocrine system I decided to go with the conventional wisdom and add test-e as a base. I still like what I've read on primo and eq, so I'm leaning toward tiring the the below stack for my first cycle. I'm 6'4" 215lbs and according to DEXA scan I have a 18% bmi. I lift 6 days per week and run for 40min. everyday and I'm currently on a 1700 cal./day diet. My goal is to get lean, I don't wish to add heave mass. I'm an endurance athlete and I'm looking for better performance in my triathlons. I know as soon as this thread goes live you all are going to tell me to up my weekly mgs's, but please keep in mind my goal is to put on quality lean mass through a low risk cycle. I'll admit that I'm very torn on my PCT, i don't know if i should run Nolva or HGC the entire time. Ive also read studies that recommend waiting 21 day after my last shot of eq before starting. While i've found some that argue "why delay the recovery process". I've even read that at the levels I'm thinking about taking no PCT is needed. With all of that said here is what i'm thinking:

    Week 1-14
    Test-E 250 mgs per week
    EQ 200 mgs per week
    Primo 200 mgs per week
    Nolva 20 mg EoD

    Week 15-16
    Off everything

    Week 17-19
    Nolva 20mg each
    Clomid 50mg each day

    Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    u need a strong pct than thaat u proposed. I suggest get arimedx. Good luck

  3. #3
    This is not my words, I'm solely using as reference. I by no means take credit for this mans knowledge I just wanted to re-post it to get your take on AI's and SERM's during and PCT. This is the area that makes me nervious. It seems that everything I read is different.

    "Arimidex prevents excess testosterone from ****matizing into estrogen by interrupting the ****matizing process. We know that estrogen causes bloat with water, fat storage in a female pattern and other sides. Estrogen is also good in that it is necessary for better muscle growth and strength while on cycle so we try not to suppress the aromatization too much. We need some of the estrogen.

    Nolvadex is a product that binds to the same receptor sites as estrogen and keeping them occupied so that estrogen can't bind and cause gyno but estrogen can still cause the bloating effect with water retention during the cycle. Post cycle benefits are also expected because of it's binding with receptors in the hpta axis indicating high estrogen isn't occurring. Estrogen simply can't get in there to keep the testicles shut down. High levels of estrogen in this area is what shuts down testosterone production. The receptor blockade in this area stimulates the release of LH, and FSH causing testicles to begin testosterone production again.

    You can see how both could be beneficial. Arimidex to modulate estrogen on cycle and nolvadex for post cycle recovery. Too much arimidex on cycle will knock down too much estrogen and inhibit gains. Not enough will allow gyno symptoms in those that are predisposed. I don't worry about bloat but I do worry about signs of gyno. If I'm on a steroid that aromitizes greatly but I'm not experiencing gyno symptoms I hold off on arimidex to near the end of the cycle. I then begin using it near the end to drop estrogen levels so I have less going into pct and making pct much easier. After all pct is basically protection while the body eliminates excess estrogen. Once it's gone the testicles will function again."

  4. #4
    Is everyone in agreement that my PCT is weak? I understand that AI's are recommended, but with the Test-E being only 250 mgs per week and the other compounds either being low/on amortizing is a AI really needed? Doesn't some estrogen help with muscle development?

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