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Thread: need advice

  1. #1
    majr is offline New Member
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    need advice

    Age 24 weight 171 height 5'8" body fat 10%-12% ...3rd cycle
    Plan so far is but need critique

    Week 1-4 50mg dbol /every day
    Week 1-10 600mg deca / 2 shots a week
    Week 1-5 1000mg Andro test/ 2 shots a week
    Week 6-14 1000mg T500 / 2 shots a week
    Week 11-14 stan 50 (winny)/ every other day
    Week 14-16 clomid and or nolva need advice on a solid pct
    I've heard lots of conflicting arguments about the clomid or nolva

    Advice would b appreciated

  2. #2
    GORILLAslap's Avatar
    GORILLAslap is offline Associate Member
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    i wouldn't do it

  3. #3
    majr is offline New Member
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    Y not ... not helpful to just say wouldn't do it

  4. #4
    blksavage's Avatar
    blksavage is offline Member
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    that's alot of gear brotha, damn thats only your third cycle? my nipples hurt just looking at that. sorry I dont have alot of input but I'm sure some of these guys have more to say.

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    what compounds did you use in the first 2 cycles? what was your weight before and after each cycle? what was your pct like for the previous cycles?

    what does your diet look like?

  6. #6
    majr is offline New Member
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    First cycle was anadrol 50 ed and winny 50 ed for 8weeks started at 148lbs and got to 160
    Pct was Nova and a test booster 2nd cycle was (Andro test 250 ) 500 mg a week and (test c 300)
    600mg a week and (clenbuterol liquid) 1/2 cc ed for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off 12 week cycle and
    went from 160 to 179 pct was faulty tho used otc reversitol v2 and hypertest and lost 9 pounds
    And on the top post to avoid confusion those r weekly totals on the test and deca 300 mg and 500mg
    Per shot twice a week not 2 shots of 600 and 1000... and diet is minimum of 4k calories a day and
    Shooting for no more than 800-1000 calories from fat

  7. #7
    majr is offline New Member
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    And on the top post to avoid confusion those r weekly totals on the test and deca 300 mg and 500mg
    Per shot twice a week not 2 shots of 600 and 1000
    Last edited by majr; 05-14-2012 at 10:44 PM.

  8. #8
    bob87's Avatar
    bob87 is offline Member
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    Way too much gear in my opinion you gained almost 20pounds on your last cycle

    I would run another cycle similar to that maybe like this

    Week 1-4 50mg dbol
    Week 1-14 test 500mg
    Week 1-12 deca 600mg
    Week 11-14 50mg winny

    Run a proper pct of Nolva and clomid keep your gains and I believe you will be happy....

    No need to use a gram or more of gear on your 3rd cycle

  9. #9
    traindude is offline Junior Member
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    after 2 cycles you weighted 171lbs?you definitely havent reach your natural limit.Anyway you already did.

    I think your diet must be sucks.

  10. #10
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by majr View Post
    And on the top post to avoid confusion those r weekly totals on the test and deca 300 mg and 500mg
    Per shot twice a week not 2 shots of 600 and 1000
    that still seems a bit high. maybe you can consider the cycle suggested by bob87. i may even recommended that you just do test and deca, and skip the orals...

  11. #11
    Mouser is offline New Member
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    that is a lot of gear, my butthole puckered when i read all that as a third cycle.

  12. #12
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you are still quite young. all the poison you're shooting into your body may eventually come back to haunt you. long term complications... you probably already know.

    in other words, if you really must, and if you really want to, use the minimum effective dose. don't keep adding more compounds and don't keep increasing the doses. from cycle 2 to cycle 3, just make one or two changes at most. you can simply increase your test to 750mg/wk and run a test only cycle for cycle 3. that will be a safer cycle than test 600mg and deca 1000mg

  13. #13
    majr is offline New Member
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    OK good info guys ... so my question now is if I run 600 mg of deca
    And 500mg of test will I avoid unwanted sides effects from the deca
    I've heard that ur test should nearly double the deca would I b better
    To run 300mg deca weekly and 500mg test weekly?

    And how much clomid and Nova should I run accordingly?

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with this except for the fact you should be able to reach where you are at and beyond easily without any gear. 185 at least naturally. What is missing or wrong is your diet obviously. Even with 10% bf you should still be at least 180. I'm the same height as you. I have problems getting past 185 but I know it's still my diet and not gear related.

    Get the diet in line before doing your next cycle or you will just drop right back down into the 170s. I know, I was there for many years also.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob87 View Post
    Way too much gear in my opinion you gained almost 20pounds on your last cycle

    I would run another cycle similar to that maybe like this

    Week 1-4 50mg dbol
    Week 1-14 test 500mg
    Week 1-12 deca 600mg
    Week 11-14 50mg winny

    Run a proper pct of Nolva and clomid keep your gains and I believe you will be happy....

    No need to use a gram or more of gear on your 3rd cycle

  15. #15
    bob87's Avatar
    bob87 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I agree with this except for the fact you should be able to reach where you are at and beyond easily without any gear. 185 at least naturally. What is missing or wrong is your diet obviously. Even with 10% bf you should still be at least 180. I'm the same height as you. I have problems getting past 185 but I know it's still my diet and not gear related.

    Get the diet in line before doing your next cycle or you will just drop right back down into the 170s. I know, I was there for many years also.

    Op what does your diet look like in detail???

    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50 some run 50/50/25/25

    I would run hcg 250iu 2x week from week4/6 to your pct.

    Run an AI

    Aromasin 12.5mg eod is a good place to start.

    My cycle currently is very similar and I'm loving the results so far.

    My cycle
    Week1-5 400mg 6-14 500mg test c
    Week 1-5 600mg deca 6-12 750mg
    Week 11-14 50mg winny

    AI as above
    Hcg week 6-14

    Pct as above

  16. #16
    ata1979's Avatar
    ata1979 is offline Associate Member
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    Holy Shit! Go to the hospital and apply for a liver transplant right now. It will be ready just about the time it yours fails. Jesus Christ son what are you doing to yourself. Are you going pro or something?

    If I were you I would go Test/Deca or Test/Var. Keep it simple, no need to run 4-5 substances together.

  17. #17
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Agree with lb
    You need to get the diet looked at, or your just wasting money!
    Test is usually ran higher then deca , due to "deca dick" you can adjust yours accordingly.
    You will achieve good results with a test deca. 600/400

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