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Thread: tren E questions....heard it's great but the sides scare me

  1. #1

    tren E questions....heard it's great but the sides scare me

    I've been looking in the forums so not to bother the experts on something like this but I can't really find the answers I'm looking for. I'm 6'3 about 230lbs roughly 12/14% body fat. Looking to get much more lean and very strong. Not looking for a ton of mass. I'm about to start about 50mgs of Anavar a day. From everything I read tren E I should take about 3-600mgs a week. How often do I take a shot? I've never ran anything before besides some oral winni and Var. I CrossFit regularly and I eat pretty clean. The sides of tren worry me a little. I can't afford to get that "tren cough" or break out for various reasons. Thoughts? I was also going to run low dosage of Prop.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    prop-tren-a not e woul be best if you have bad sides you can just stop and itll leave you system very quick!

  3. #3
    say away frm tren mix or tren e if yyou dont know how you respond to it.

    Tren will make yo feel like a god, but it will shut you dwn hard, possible "roid rage" walking down a hill will be hard on you and night sweats.... tren cough oh yeah night sweats. and yeah night sweats insomnia ...

    tren a and see how you respond.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    you should have at least 4-5 cycle under your belt before you try tren. Lotta sides, possible progestin related gyno issues and shuts you down real hard. Anavar and Test Prop is a good cycle and will probably help you achieve your goals, plus if sides become a problem drop the prop (it exits the system very quickly). Keep it simple.

  5. #5
    Great advice....guess I wanted a reason to not use Tren. LOL I know it's great great results but I just don't wanta deal with those sides for no reason. So is prop better than Cyp? I will get on either one with the var. Prob take an AI during and Nolva after. Good idea?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    I have been researching all of this also for quite some time.

    The cost of Tren Ace and Prop alone sucks + It's a EOD shot system.

    The test enan seems to be treating me just fine. So I thought about using Tren Enan. Yeah, no - The issue is it's a enan, which means it will stay in your system for quite a while(2 weeks I believe). What if I get sides? Having shit in your system that I can't get rid of and are having a bad reaction to would really suck.

    In conclusion - No Tren Enan in how hell.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sydney - Australia
    I remember a mod saying that E esters sides aren't as harsh as fast acting esters due to the fact your body is slowly adapting to it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do know that longer esters would be a pain... the fact that it stays in your body a lot longer...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sneakyhats View Post
    I remember a mod saying that E esters sides aren't as harsh as fast acting esters due to the fact your body is slowly adapting to it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do know that longer esters would be a pain... the fact that it stays in your body a lot longer...
    Ya, there usually isnt the Tren cough when using Tren E. The only way I'd recommend doing Tren E first is running it with low Test. no more than 250 per week. I'm on my first run of Tren E and started at 200mg Tren E, 500mg Test E. The insomnia kicked in by the end of week 2 and the anxiety shortly after. I immediately dropped my Test to 250 and within a week I was sleeping good again and no anxiety. I've bumped up to 300mg Tren E and the sides are still not there with the low test.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dynamicathlete12 View Post
    Great advice....guess I wanted a reason to not use Tren. LOL I know it's great great results but I just don't wanta deal with those sides for no reason. So is prop better than Cyp? I will get on either one with the var. Prob take an AI during and Nolva after. Good idea?
    They are both test. The good thing about Prop is if you have problems with sides, just jump off and it clears out in 3-4 days. It holds less water than the other test ethers and the sides are usually a little lighter. The cons, its more expensive and you have to shoot every other day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Everyone is different. I'm on tren e 500 and test e 300. I do get night sweats and wake up 3-4 time a night. It the results are well worth it. I take caber and Adex. This is my 2nd cycle. Tren is the shit! I don't know why people say wait til 4th or 5th cycle. If your gonna have sides its gonna happen whether its your first or your 10th cycle. Jmo

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I'm on 700 tren a and 525 prop. No real sides except for feeling like I can never get a full breath. That and my back sweats 24/7

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the op hasnt even tried test yet. There is absolutely no reason he should be running tren. Tren is good but it seem like everyone and there mother wants to run it or recommend it.

    Tren also effects your cardio so tren and cross fit aren't going to be a great mix.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    yep should of read this better just do test-prop no tren for now m8 not a good idea.. for me what everyone says about tren isnt true i get nothing as in bad sides except alittle sweating but for first cycle dont entertain it m8 prop ed 0.8ml for 10 weeks would do you very proud run ai arimedex and hcg 2x 250ius a week some do less and have pct at hand if you dont understand any of what i just said m8 then dont cycle study then have a re-think lol hope this helps!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    fcking love that photo above me and im just in the right place for a peek lolol

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