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  1. #1
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    QUestion about how to aspirate

    Hello everyone,

    today I injected 100ml test propi.. it was my 4th time.. the first time I injected on my right shoulder.. no blood came out.. the second time I injected on the left.. a little bit of blood.. the third one on my right shoulder.. a little bit as well.. and today it was my forth time.. i injected on my left shoulder.. a lot of blood came out when I took the syringe out.. I'm wondering if I hit a vein.. I injected the needle.. then I tried to do the suction.. no blood came out.. but that's my doubt.. how do I know if I did it right ? once I saw that nothing came out.. I put the test.. n then I took the syringe out.. when I took it out.. a lot of blood came out.. I freaked out.. I did not really had any pump or my heart.. but my breathing was kinda harder I just don't know if I was anxious because of the blood or I really hit a vein.. help me please.. I have a heart monitor.. I'm 20 years old.. after I injected my heart beat was about 76 80..and now 20 min later is 75 on rest.. the site that I injected is really sore tho..

  2. #2
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    You're fine.. If you injected in to a vein you'd know it, if you knicked a vein, no biggie

    You should rotate your sites more though, you shouldn't hit the same spot more than once a week

  3. #3
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
    Chuckdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Well first bro, your too young for steroids . I'll tell you that as will everyone else...but besides that point you aspirated just fine. As long as blood didn't come into the barrel before you injected, your fine. When you finish injecting some blood does come back into the syringe and that's normal. Prolly just nicked a vein. It happen every 6 out of 10 injections I do

  4. #4
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Androgens (esp tren ) can effect your breathing a bit...aka tren cough? Not sure if that's what you were meaning tho. Passing through a vein and injecting into a vein are 2 different things. Use site rotation.

  5. #5
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccerplayer
    Hello everyone,

    today I injected 100ml test propi.. it was my 4th time.. the first time I injected on my right shoulder.. no blood came out.. the second time I injected on the left.. a little bit of blood.. the third one on my right shoulder.. a little bit as well.. and today it was my forth time.. i injected on my left shoulder.. a lot of blood came out when I took the syringe out.. I'm wondering if I hit a vein.. I injected the needle.. then I tried to do the suction.. no blood came out.. but that's my doubt.. how do I know if I did it right ? once I saw that nothing came out.. I put the test.. n then I took the syringe out.. when I took it out.. a lot of blood came out.. I freaked out.. I did not really had any pump or my heart.. but my breathing was kinda harder I just don't know if I was anxious because of the blood or I really hit a vein.. help me please.. I have a heart monitor.. I'm 20 years old.. after I injected my heart beat was about 76 80..and now 20 min later is 75 on rest.. the site that I injected is really sore tho..
    100ml damn your shoulder must be the size of a balloon.......
    You're too young to be playing around with steroids , you're going to do some serious damage to your developing hormonal system which you will regret later down the track. Stop your cycle run your pct and cross ya fingers, train hard, eat hard, lift hard.

  6. #6
    auswest is offline Banned
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    In response to your question, you will you said you aspirated so the oil did not go in a vein, you proberbly passed through or nicked something on the way through.
    If you injected in a vein you would proberbly be curled up coughing hard for a little while not here typing this.

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