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  1. #1
    blastofme is offline New Member
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    I know everyone does this, but im about to start my first cycle, and want some advice

    wow, harsh spam software... lost my entire post.... here we go again

    First Off I know everyone has different opinions and ideas, and there can be alot of criticism but I already have what I have and would like to know the best way to use it. I do though want to add a few things to what I have in order to make the best out of it.

    I know yall get the questions Im about to ask but Please understand this is my first cycle and kinda want a good plan based on my needs and worries.
    I am 24 about to be 25 years old about 5'10" and weigh about 155 lbs. I have problems gaining weight. I want to be approximately 185 - 200 lbs. I recently bought 2 10CC bottles of Testosterone E-250 MG and 1 10CC bottle of Tren E-200 MG

    I want to know the best way to run my cycle I was told to do 1 cc of test on tuesdays and 1 cc of Tren on thursdays. I plan to work out vigorously and am on a healthy high protein diet. I dont know for sure thats whats best, i want yalls opinon on the best way to use this stuff.

    My other worries are in the gyno department. After reading up on it, Im quite sure i got a small dose of gyno while going through puberty... as I dealt with sensitivity in the nipples, did develop hard tissue in them and got picked on for a little bigger chest than most guys my size. I grew out of it for the most part, but i still can tell my breast are a little bigger than average, and there is still hard tissue behind my nipples, I damn sure dont want to flare up any problems in that department, I can see it already, try to get muscles and wind up with ****ing huge man titties instead!! I need to get some lestro, I want it before I start my cycle, I want to use it during my cycle, i want to know the best way to take it, so that I still get the most out of my cycle and maximum protection against estrogen side effects. I also need to know the best place to get it! I would be willing to buy it from someone on here with a good rep, I dont mind taking a chance... I know there are still good people out there and have faith in a little internet trading! Done it once or twice. If nothing else please give me some good leads on where to get it, and places with fast shipping.

    Last but not least I want to get on a good pct program, is there any good ways to pct with over the counter products? when should i start pct program? and what should I use? Whats the best place to get it?

    Thank you guys, I just really want to make this work, and come out on top. Looking forward to see what yall have to say, and lord forbid the spam software blocks my post again, I really dont want to type this again... in face... cut.... copy.... , and possibly paste...

    Last edited by blastofme; 05-17-2012 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2
    chickenwing1 is offline Junior Member
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    Well your gonna get different opinions, me myself in running tren e 500mg wks and test e 300mg wks. How long of a cycle do you plan on running? I run tren higher than test. Works well for me

  3. #3
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You aren't supposed to list lab names. I'd edit that post.

    Second, tren on your first cycle isn't remotely necessary. You'll grow fine on test alone.

  4. #4
    xXthehulkXx's Avatar
    xXthehulkXx is offline Associate Member
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    You are way to underweight, bro. This is just my opinion, but you don't need to be thinking of steroids just yet.

    You say you are a hard gainer. Imagine this and think about it. "If" you do manage to put on any size, what will happen when you stop your cycle? If you can't get bigger naturally, you will just drop any weight you gain. You need food and a better routine in the gym. My .02

  5. #5
    blastofme is offline New Member
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    Gotta do the steroids . I am running both. I need info on dosage of test and tren and info on lestro, and where to get, and info on pct. I dont want to go into this blind. Id like to have everything i need. and info is king. Please help me out with those things. I am planning on running 10 - 12 weeks.

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Start using the search tool at the top. No one will tell you how to do something that will harm you. Good luck

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by blastofme View Post
    Gotta do the steroids. I am running both. I need info on dosage of test and tren and info on lestro, and where to get, and info on pct. I dont want to go into this blind. Id like to have everything i need. and info is king. Please help me out with those things. I am planning on running 10 - 12 weeks.
    another one who doesn't listen. why are you asking for advice if you're simply going to ignore the responsible advice already given?

    you're built like a bean pole dude. you have no muscle built up for any kind of solid base for AAS to do it's job PROPERLY. and using two compounds, let alone tren , on your first cycle is irrepressible and reckless. and the fact that you've experienced gyo in the past can come back and haunt you big time particularly on tren. and your friend knows nothing.

    seriously, smarten up, eat properly and put on some natural quality muscle. if need help on improving your diet, post it in the Nutrition Section. there are some very intelligent and experienced members in there that can educate you on proper nutrition.

    that's my .02...keep the change..

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    So you won't listen to people that give solid advice, but will still insist that they write a novel about doses, ancillaries, sourcing and PCT without doing a bit of research on your own? That isn't really how this place works.

    You can learn a lot of the basics in the stickies at the top of every section. Please do some reading before proceeding, because the odds of someone coming along and laying it all out for you are small, especially since the questions you are asking are very basic and have been covered hundreds of times here.

    Here are a few comments:

    One shot of Test a week will be 250mg/wk. That isn't much more than my TRT dose. You would want to do more than that (although I think you shouldn't do it at all) which means you will need to figure out if you even have enough Test.

    One shot of Tren will only be 200mg/wk...but I won't comment on that because you shouldn't use it.

    Definitely do a search here on how to deal with gyno and whether treating after this long will even help. You sound like you have it figured out, but I am not sure you do.

    PCT is basic. Read about it in the stickies so you know what the drugs do.

    Things like Letro, AI (which you need) and PCT are available through AR-R . Click on their banner at the top of the page. Do not rely on over the counter products. Do not start anything without having these things on hand as you never know when you will need to stop a cycle due to injury, family emergency, etc.

  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Test only will do you wonders. But, you are kinda light for your height, man.

  10. #10
    Thor249 is offline Junior Member
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    You say you're a hard gainer......
    What's your diet look like?

    What Is your diet going to be while on cycle?

  11. #11
    blastofme is offline New Member
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    so I've done alot of reading. I started Oral Dianabol 75mg tuesday before last. I have been taking .75 cc a day. I am going to continue to do this approximately 4 weeks. Last tuesday (one week after beginning dbol ) I started giving 250mg of test 250 twice a week. I will be taking it tuesday morningsa and friday evenings. I am taking Letro daily, and have tamox and clomi for pct. I have been eating around 5 meals a day, usually fairly high in protein ie: several eggs and tons of sausage and bacon. I Have been eating a bag or two of beef jerky a day. Slow reacting protein powder before bed, regular whey throughout the day. I have been eating 1-3protein bars a day as well. Plus some other miscellanious snacks. I work out approximately 3-4 times a week, being upper body (incline bench, decline bench, curls, butterflies, etc.) Plus pushups, pullups and dips on upper body days) I have been working my stomache basically every other day. And Legs once to twice a week, being squats, and the leg workout on my weight bench with a couple of hundred pounds on it, etc. I know I need a gym membership but I am being very regular with my workout, and have been getting sore most days, and try not to work out that muscle group again until the soreness is at least almost completely gone.

    Anyhow I also have some igf-1 lr3 on the way to my house now, should I use this during my cycle? or should I wait until after cycle? How long should I run it for? What do yall really think about the stuff? Worth the money I just dropped on it? Thank yall for yalls help so far. I know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I did ALOT more reading, slowed down, and I think im pretty close to doing it right. Let me know what yall think. Thanks K.C.
    Last edited by blastofme; 05-31-2012 at 08:11 AM.

  12. #12
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blastofme View Post
    Gotta do the steroids. I am running both. I need info on dosage of test and tren and info on lestro, and where to get, and info on pct. I dont want to go into this blind. Id like to have everything i need. and info is king. Please help me out with those things. I am planning on running 10 - 12 weeks.
    You wont get good advice here if you are an immature idiot...

    the facts here are:

    1. You are under weight and diet is your issue, steroids will not fix this.

    2. When you are ready to cycle do NOT ever use tren to start save that for after you have a lot of knowledge and experience.

    3. If you do this cycle you WILL damage yourself, you WILL see TEMPORARY gains and you WILL loose it all.

    4. You need a lot more knowledge and diet experience before considering a cycle, you probably need to work on your training too.

    You are on here asking advice from some of the most knowledgable people in the owrld, why wouldnt you listen to them?

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    This guy has to be troll? Soon to be a very fat unhealthy one!

  14. #14
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    get rid of the sausages man and cut the bacon right down too salty you shouldnt be doing anything because youve no clue how to diet what so ever so in 12 weeks when youve blown up like a baloon youll just be you skinny self again with loads of problems tsk tsk

  15. #15
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser
    get rid of the sausages man and cut the bacon right down too salty you shouldnt be doing anything because youve no clue how to diet what so ever so in 12 weeks when youve blown up like a baloon youll just be you skinny self again with loads of problems tsk tsk
    Hey look we agree on something for once haha

  16. #16
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    lololol for once ha ha ha

  17. #17
    blastofme is offline New Member
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    I must be an immature idiot. You all say so! This has to be the most helpful forum I have ever joined!! I do have questions. You do know more than me on the subject. That's why im here asking. Ok you don't think I should do a cycle. its immature if my mins is made up. Instead of teaming up against me why not try to help me make the best of it? Don't like my diet. Give me a tip, done clues, a link to some literature, but no lets all just talk shit. All the roids must hace gone to your heads. I came here for your help and a little insight. Not your approval

  18. #18
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You ask for advice. The advice was not to start a cycle. You now ask for more advice that you want to hear! Advice - STOP YOUR CYCLE AND VISIT THE NUTRITION FORUM!!!!!!!!

  19. #19
    binsser's Avatar
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    wow i was saying it nicely not flaming m8 at all in any way think YOU need to stop your little emotional roller coaster YES YOUR DIET IS NO GOOD thats why theres a diet section saying bulk or cut READ IT now as for your cycle DONT is there anything else youd like to get shty about young one???

  20. #20
    songdog's Avatar
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  21. #21
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blastofme View Post
    Gotta do the steroids. I am running both. I need info on dosage of test and tren and info on lestro, and where to get, and info on pct. I dont want to go into this blind. Id like to have everything i need. and info is king. Please help me out with those things. I am planning on running 10 - 12 weeks.
    Are you looking for information or validation?

    Quote Originally Posted by xXthehulkXx View Post
    You are way to underweight, bro. This is just my opinion, but you don't need to be thinking of steroids just yet.

    You say you are a hard gainer. Imagine this and think about it. "If" you do manage to put on any size, what will happen when you stop your cycle? If you can't get bigger naturally, you will just drop any weight you gain. You need food and a better routine in the gym. My .02

  22. #22
    lightbulb's Avatar
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    Is there no advice for him given that he is going to start the steroids without your approval?

  23. #23
    bigdoug1987 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXthehulkXx View Post
    You are way to underweight, bro. This is just my opinion, but you don't need to be thinking of steroids just yet.

    You say you are a hard gainer. Imagine this and think about it. "If" you do manage to put on any size, what will happen when you stop your cycle? If you can't get bigger naturally, you will just drop any weight you gain. You need food and a better routine in the gym. My .02

    I agree with what the hulk says. You are way too underweight and i dont think you are ready for all of that, however, if you are going to do that, i would say, just run the test by itself. as for the PCT, no, over the counter things dont work all that well. Being that you are young, i would just run Nolvadex or Clomid for six weeks, starting two weeks before the end of your test cycle. 20mg daily

  24. #24
    blastofme is offline New Member
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    I will work on my diet for sure. I have been trying to eat alot more than normal. I have been reading a bit in the nutrition section. I know I still have alot to learn and alot to read. Thank you for the advice. I work around 80 hours a week on nights... What are some good things to pack in my lunch kit?

  25. #25
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    At 155 just eat everything in sight and hope you don't get a heart attack.

    I remember when I weighed 145 and I just plain out look like a crackhead. I am also 5'10". 155 is not far ahead.

    Why not just eat first and not fvck up your liver?

    Good luck yo!

  26. #26
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightbulb View Post
    Is there no advice for him given that he is going to start the steroids without your approval?
    The advice is simple, DO NOT DI IT... Anything else would be completely un responsible and straight out wrong, thats why he wont get it. People here will not condone doing the wrong thing, they will point in the direction you need (this case the diet forum) and if you are willing to listen you will get all the help you could ever need and more. All this moron will do is damage himself and shrink back to his current 155

  27. #27
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    At 155 just eat everything in sight and hope you don't get a heart attack.

    I remember when I weighed 145 and I just plain out look like a crackhead. I am also 5'10". 155 is not far ahead.

    Why not just eat first and not fvck up your liver?

    Good luck yo!
    Ugh, I remember when I got down to 160 a few years ago (eating issues, long story) and I looked like a twig. OP, I understand your issues. Happy to hear you are reading in the diet section, because that should make a huge difference for you.

  28. #28
    cb714's Avatar
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    Dude, you're 5'10" and 155lbs... You dont need steroids , you need to eat more. You definitely dont want to do tren . You're gonna F*** yourself all up because it doesnt sound like you have the discipline or knowledge for this. If you did you wouldnt be weighing 155lbs at 5'10". Seriously bro, hit the gym hard and eat as much as you can. Check out the diet section for some great tips --->

  29. #29
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by blastofme View Post
    so I've done alot of reading. I started Oral Dianabol 75mg tuesday before last. I have been taking .75 cc a day. I am going to continue to do this approximately 4 weeks. Last tuesday (one week after beginning dbol ) I started giving 250mg of test 250 twice a week. I will be taking it tuesday morningsa and friday evenings. I am taking Letro daily, and have tamox and clomi for pct. I have been eating around 5 meals a day, usually fairly high in protein ie: several eggs and tons of sausage and bacon. I Have been eating a bag or two of beef jerky a day. Slow reacting protein powder before bed, regular whey throughout the day. I have been eating 1-3protein bars a day as well. Plus some other miscellanious snacks. I work out approximately 3-4 times a week, being upper body (incline bench, decline bench, curls, butterflies, etc.) Plus pushups, pullups and dips on upper body days) I have been working my stomache basically every other day. And Legs once to twice a week, being squats, and the leg workout on my weight bench with a couple of hundred pounds on it, etc. I know I need a gym membership but I am being very regular with my workout, and have been getting sore most days, and try not to work out that muscle group again until the soreness is at least almost completely gone.

    Anyhow I also have some igf-1 lr3 on the way to my house now, should I use this during my cycle? or should I wait until after cycle? How long should I run it for? What do yall really think about the stuff? Worth the money I just dropped on it? Thank yall for yalls help so far. I know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I did ALOT more reading, slowed down, and I think im pretty close to doing it right. Let me know what yall think. Thanks K.C.
    Troll Troll ha ha.....After reading this he has to be a troll.

    Horrible all the way around

  30. #30
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    AND correct me if im wrong WHO starts pct 2 weeks before your last pin ????? you start pct after your last pin not before or am i wrong here which on this one i doubt i am???

  31. #31
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    AND correct me if im wrong WHO starts pct 2 weeks before your last pin ????? you start pct after your last pin not before or am i wrong here which on this one i doubt i am???
    no one does bro this kid is a tool...he's. Done his reasurch and came up with a dbol only cycle, frikin brilliant...

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