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Thread: primobolin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Hi all i can get my hands on a good suppley of ph grade primo im just wondering what peoples experiances were with it and how pleased they were as im a tren/test man id like others reponses chrs all any info would be great!

  2. #2
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    Jul 2008

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I think it is one of the most underrated steroids out there. It has a reputation for being a weaker steroid. That may be true if you run it at lower doses, but get it up into the 750-1000 mg a week range and tell me you don't fall in love with it. It's expensive to run at this dose for the length of time it should be run. I went 20 weeks and still wanted more at the end. Lean. Huge. Vascular. Best shape of my life. I got more comments and looks while running that cycle then any other. I never got that puffy holding water look. I have never looked better then I did at the end of that cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    good to know yeah the write up arent that good so i went for parabolan instead but ill get aload of primo for later as well!

  5. #5
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    Hi all i can get my hands on a good suppley of ph grade primo im just wondering what peoples experiances were with it and how pleased they were as im a tren/test man id like others reponses chrs all any info would be great!
    I like primo. I have and had it at 200mg/ml and ran it at 800-900mg ew+500mg test. I still foound it too much oil. I mean i love primo. but to need to pin 7ml og oil EVERY week is a pain in the ass when 4ml (400mgtren/500mgtest) sill give you so much effect.

    I love tren. but after about 9 weeks i do start to feel a bit shitty.
    and primo i love because the gains are nice and no sides other then the hassle of pinning and a possible steril abess comming up.
    i ran it at 500mg ew and didnt notice much, i mena it was nice. but i couild have juts took 500mg test over the 250mg test/500mg primo i did.

    is is good? yes
    is ir worth is, possible.
    but i think i am going to dabble with tren a bit more even though i got like 80ml of primo at 200mg/ml

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    I think it is one of the most underrated steroids out there. It has a reputation for being a weaker steroid. That may be true if you run it at lower doses, but get it up into the 750-1000 mg a week range and tell me you don't fall in love with it. It's expensive to run at this dose for the length of time it should be run. I went 20 weeks and still wanted more at the end. Lean. Huge. Vascular. Best shape of my life. I got more comments and looks while running that cycle then any other. I never got that puffy holding water look. I have never looked better then I did at the end of that cycle.
    money is not the issue its the 18ml you need ew if your primo is the normal 100mg/ml like most.
    just my op

  7. #7
    I have it at 100mgs/mL....Again as stated above seems the sweet spot is around 800mgs/weekly. So get ready to pin pin pin. My buddy has been on for 7 weeks and he is running 900mgs/weekly, he is loving it. My next go round im going to run it at 800mgs/wkly and see how I go. Test, Tren, Primo combo ))))

  8. #8
    Ohhh, be careful on your sources.....lot of it that is going around is underdosed Deca. Big birdy told me that

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    I think it is one of the most underrated steroids out there. It has a reputation for being a weaker steroid. That may be true if you run it at lower doses, but get it up into the 750-1000 mg a week range and tell me you don't fall in love with it. It's expensive to run at this dose for the length of time it should be run. I went 20 weeks and still wanted more at the end. Lean. Huge. Vascular. Best shape of my life. I got more comments and looks while running that cycle then any other. I never got that puffy holding water look. I have never looked better then I did at the end of that cycle.
    problem w/ Primo is you will lose all your hair with it and your prostate would be huge at 750mg dose. And your body won't look the same when you get off of Primo. That "look" will be gone.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim

    problem w/ Primo is you will lose all your hair with it and your prostate would be huge at 750mg dose. And your body won't look the same when you get off of Primo. That "look" will be gone.
    I would agree with these statements.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2008
    ok so the sht load of tren ive just bought for myself will come in handy then lololol and test and sust and hgh and primo and etc etc etc etc lolololol

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    Primo is great if used properly. Most people dont use enough and dont run it long enough. Minimum 700mg ew and minimum 12 to 14 weeks. I dont even know why they make it in 100mg/ml. Def one of the most under dosed or counterfeited.

  13. #13
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    100mg per mil is anoying but most gear if its the rel mccoy will never go over 250mg anyway if its ph they should just do everything at 250mg then its sorted lolol!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Primo is great if used properly. Most people dont use enough and dont run it long enough. Minimum 700mg ew and minimum 12 to 14 weeks. I dont even know why they make it in 100mg/ml. Def one of the most under dosed or counterfeited.
    They make it at that strength because it is difficult to keep in solution at higher concentrations. It would require more solvents or EO to make it hold at 200-250 consistently.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blergs View Post
    money is not the issue its the 18ml you need ew if your primo is the normal 100mg/ml like most.
    just my op
    Where did you get 18 from?

  16. #16
    exactly SWM.........we never dose anything we brew over 250mgs/mL

  17. #17
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    interesting wonder how they are able to get it to hold on sust 300 then ?? more solutions meaning more pinning pain???

  18. #18
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    yes 300's will have more pip

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    exactly SWM.........we never dose anything we brew over 250mgs/mL
    The more soluble compounds can go well over 250mg/ml without issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    interesting wonder how they are able to get it to hold on sust 300 then ?? more solutions meaning more pinning pain???
    Different compounds are more soluble than others and can brewed at high concentrations without issue.
    Primo just happens to be one that irritates tissue (like all boldenone derivatives) and is not very soluble in oil for a long ester, so anything over 150mg/ml would be crippling for most.

  20. #20
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    so whos gonna make some prop 400mg here then per ml loll???

  21. #21
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    I do a shot of 100mg primobolan and 100mg test prop. EOD. Love it...I'm fast. Lean. And I recover overnight. Don't need to be a lumbering jui***onkey to enjoy the benefits of the gear......very common misconception in regards to dosing advice and substances

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Primo is great if used properly. Most people dont use enough and dont run it long enough. Minimum 700mg ew and minimum 12 to 14 weeks. I dont even know why they make it in 100mg/ml. Def one of the most under dosed or counterfeited.
    Its made in 100mg/ml because of its molecular weight... u can only fit so much methenelone in a cc of oil.

  23. #23
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    arr and yes more is not always better a good moderate dose is all the body needs lolol

  24. #24
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    In the land of gear that makes you look great.....primo and prop cycle is king...followed closely by eq and winny test prop

  25. #25
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    im half way through my prop/tren-ace now and its good quick muscle building and fat lose but it still makes you think what could be better where as many get loads of sides from tren its the only one i get hardly any from lucky i spose in that respect but yeah think ill do prop 600mg a week and primo 500mg a week after this ive got enough of everything i might start a completely new thread and do day -1 to day- 60 so we can all see the diferances and results could be good !!!

  26. #26
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    Never done tren... I don't want to get huge... I like to stay aesthetic and atheletic.... 300mg of test prop ..and I think I'm already getting too big

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    same really i dont want wide massiveness but mass defined muscles so along hard road but ill get there eventually lolol

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    I heard tren makes u an animal ?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    not straight away and its easyerly controlable but yeah its definatly there if you need it lolol and the missis is happy lolol alot of people get emotional or an attitude on tren but its because they believe that its going to do that... but it doesnt ...if you think it will.. it will ..but if you think it wont ...then it wont... its just as simple as that bud i like tren but dont really think its strong enough to be honest lololol

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