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Thread: Another "F"ing Nolva question!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by juicemonkey

    i thought you said not to use nolva exept after a cycle but in your cycle u are taking it during
    I know it sounds confusing but I will say this as if I were a person that cycles once or twice a year and that doesn't already have gyno...

    There is no except I don’t say things like that... What I said is the best way to use Nolvadex and Clomid is post cycle for HPTA therapy. If you had a choice during a cycle an anti-aromo like liquidex, armidex or proviron would be better suited and be effective with a high anabolic cycle or high androgenic cycle.

    The Nolvadex will hinder most gains if taking during a high anabolic cycle because of the high estrogens to test ratio... a high androgenic like test wont be an issue.
    If your using a Nolvadex or Clomid as estrogen blockers then make sure your on a high androgenic cycle, all test cycles, anadrol, d-bol so the built up estrogens don’t cause a problem... and be sure to continue use into post cycle therapy...
    The reason I say draw out the Nolvadex or Clomid out into post cycle, or if nolva during the cycle then Clomid post... or if taking Nolvadex only... be sure and use not only during the cycle but continue into post cycle so there wont be a flood of estrogens to E-receptors if you were to just stop taking the nolva... Once in your post cycle your estrogen levels will begin to drop with your test levels and should not cause any water fat or gyno issues.

    I cycle year around and the doses I gave is what my equal is to say your off period, because I do have flare ups from my gyno I will have a treatment of dopergin and use Nolvadex with proviron while on my maintenance doses. Soon I will be on a treatment of HCG and maintenance of nolva40mg e/d, enanthate 200mg a week.
    This will last about 8-10 before I go to a growth period. I have deviated from my last yearly program but I like it much better...
    I don’t talk about my cycling on this board anymore because its something that isn't for everyone and I don’t want to encourage any younger bros to jump over standard cycling first... do you understand...
    I guinea pig as a choice on my own... any test or theories I run an my body is solely up to me an I don’t recommend anyone else do what I do anymore...
    I do however have some knowledge to contribute to standard cycling and staggering cycles... As I have done both for some years combined.
    I've made plenty of mistakes and can at least help people not make the same ones...
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 04-22-2003 at 12:43 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by mmaximus25

    I know it sounds confusing but I will say this as if I were a person that cycles once or twice a year and that doesn't already have gyno...

    There is no except I don?t say things like that... What I said is the best way to use Nolvadex and Clomid is post cycle for HPTA therapy. If you had a choice during a cycle an anti-aromo like liquidex, armidex or proviron would be better suited and be effective with a high anabolic cycle or high androgenic cycle.

    The Nolvadex will hinder most gains if taking during a high anabolic cycle because of the high estrogens to test ratio... a high androgenic like test wont be an issue.
    If your using a Nolvadex or Clomid as estrogen blockers then make sure your on a high androgenic cycle, all test cycles, anadrol, d-bol so the built up estrogens don?t cause a problem... and be sure to continue use into post cycle therapy...
    The reason I say draw out the Nolvadex or Clomid out into post cycle, or if nolva during the cycle then Clomid post... or if taking Nolvadex only... be sure and use not only during the cycle but continue into post cycle so there wont be a flood of estrogens to E-receptors if you were to just stop taking the nolva... Once in your post cycle your estrogen levels will begin to drop with your test levels and should not cause any water fat or gyno issues.

    I cycle year around and the doses I gave is what my equal is to say your off period, because I do have flare ups from my gyno I will have a treatment of dopergin and use Nolvadex with proviron while on my maintenance doses. Soon I will be on a treatment of HCG and maintenance of nolva40mg e/d, enanthate 200mg a week.
    This will last about 8-10 before I go to a growth period. I have deviated from my last yearly program but I like it much better...
    I don?t talk about my cycling on this board anymore because its something that isn't for everyone and I don?t want to encourage any younger bros to jump over standard cycling first... do you understand...

    all right u seem to know ur stuff so what of this.
    i am taking primobolan 300mg week and propionate 50mg eod (makes my ass sore as shit the next day)
    i have clomid nolva and proviron i am taking the proviron with it
    should i take the nolva while on with the proviron and how long after should i start clomid theropy
    see i took alot of sustanon on my last cycle and took nolvadex and i started to get a little gyno. it is still there but not that bad what would you say would be the best way to take this without making it worse.

  3. #43

    2 cents

    this is a great posts. Thanks for all the awesome info guys. I'm no expert, other than many years of experience, but as for the original question of nolva over clomid, I can say that I like nolva over clomid. I feel "normal" after a cycle faster than clomid. Maybe it's all in my head, but after a run of sust, I do a few weeks (starting 3 weeks after last shot) and you know the odd thing is I still feel great. No come down after the cycle, and I've done plenty of them the wrong way. I'm lucky I never encountered problems that need dealing with Bromo, or other products, as I don't get gyno. My problems relate to acne, but that's another thread

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    does proviron cause hair loos

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