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  1. #1
    Rhodium is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012

    fix body disproportions, thoughts?

    Alright so heres my deal,

    my lower body is disproportionaly large compared to my upper body. I look really stupid when I am just wearing a t-shirt and jeans as my ass and thighs are big, but my arms and shoulders are smaller. This is also due to genetics as my bone structure is composed of narrow shoulders and wide hips, and theirs really nothing someone can do about their bone structure. Ever since I was a kid really I have been heavy in the legs, played lots of soccer, biking, hiking ect. However I want to mitigate my issue by trying a new format of working out.

    Currently I am working out on a 4 a day workout plan, with a 5*5 format.
    Day 1 - chest/bis
    Day 2 - legs
    Day 3 - shoulders/tris
    Day 4 - back

    Now what I am thinking is putting my leg day at the end of the week keeping the squats, a single hamstring exercise, and a single calve exercise but adding 2 exercises for shoulders/bis/tris/traps/lats. all in a super set form. I would leave chest out as I feel that is the only muscle group in my upper body that is proportionate to my legs. The exercises for these muscles would be different from the ones I have already performed during the week. So for example I would do 3*8 weigted pullup, then 3*8 barbell row without rest and do 3 sets of that then move to the next muscle group. So the new layout would look like this;

    Day 1 - chest/bis
    Day 2 - back
    Day 3 - shoulders/tris
    Day 4 - legs/upper body

    The plan would be to do this for about 12 weeks to correct some disporportinality I currently have. I would really like to know what you guys think about this plan.

    A couple of things to add-
    1) I know this is one of my first posts and you instantly think I am retarded when you read this, I would too.
    2) My diet is in check. I know the very first thing people are going to jump on is diet, which is very understandable. However my diet is in fact good to go.
    3) I Know this sounds borderline like spot reducing which I know is completely impossible but its actually the opposite, more like spot increasing. Which I believe is possible to a point, look at a speed skaters thighs, they are frigging massive.


    Age 24
    Height 5'11
    Weight 180
    Body fat % 10-13
    Years training - 5

    Day 1
    Exercise Sets Reps S/R
    Bench Press 5 5
    Decline barbell 4 6
    Incline dumbell 4 6
    Barbell Fly's 3 8
    Bar Curl 4 6
    Preacher Curl 3 8
    Seated Hammer Curl 3 8

    Abs- Cable Crunch/Weighted leg raise/Weighted side dip 4/15,3/15,3/15

    Day 2
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Squat 5 5
    Leg Press 4 6
    Leg Curl 3 8
    Single Leg curl 3 8
    Standing Calve Raise 4 8
    Straight leg deads 4 6
    Reverse leg curls 3 8

    Abs - Weighted decline sit up, Decline leg kicks ,Side Plank 4/15,3/15,3,1 minute each

    Day 3
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Military Press 5 5
    Seat Dbell rpess 4 6
    Front pulls 3 8
    lat raise 3 8
    Close Grip decline bench Press 5 5
    Tricep push 4 6
    Tricep Pushdown 3 8
    Abs- bar leg raises, Bicycle Crunch, Swiss Ball Plank, superset 4/15

    Day 4
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Deadlift 5 5
    Lat pulldown 4 6
    Bent over row 4 6
    Tbar Row 4 6
    Cable Pull 3 8
    Barbell Shrug 4 8

    So please let me know what you all think about this idea. If your just gonna write "thats stupid" trust me I already know this sounds stupid so you don't need to reply. At the end of the day I am going to go ahead with this and act as a guinea pig so I will let everyone know how it worked out. If nothing else it will be a learning experience.

    I also put this in the workout forum, not sure if that's cool or not. If not sorry ya'all

  2. #2
    Rhodium is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Bump, come on I know someone can provide some valuable input, hopefully from experience on this

  3. #3
    Rhodium is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012
    almost 200 views and 0 replies, fml.

  4. #4
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Jan 2009
    You answered your own question.....genetics plays a big part in your overall body shape

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    just some thoughts..

    if you consider your shoulders and back as the lagging groups, i suggest you concentrate on these areas. meaning, give them the most attention, early in the wk when you're fresh. if your chest is as big as your legs, and they are way too big, then you can put them at the end of the wk and train them if you have any energy left over.

    train the lagging groups the proper way, heavy weights, adequate rest, in between sets.

    train your legs and chest in a slightly toned down way. medium weight, higher reps, maybe less rest to stimulate the endurance fibers, but not too much that they continue to grow way faster than the lagging group.

    what do you think?

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Can we get some weird pics of this weird body of yours?

    The answer is pretty simple: place emphasis on your upper body, and stick to cardio (particularly stairs) and endurance/toning work for your legs.
    Squats are the best lower body mass builder, so I would just cut those out entirely (apart from maybe some light warmup sets if you really like them)

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