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Thread: New To This Board

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    New To This Board

    Hey, guys i'm new to the board so I figured I would introduce myself . well there it was. this question is fore mike he seems to have the most info on this subject but all others are welcom. I have ben jucing fore about 3 years and have ben kicking around the idea of HGH . I wont use with slin thats a little to riskey fore me. I am looking to gain around 25LBS using HGH deca upjohn cyp . suggestions or coments on a cycle would be great.
    thanks starter69

    stats:5'9" 185LBS
    BF 8%

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    If your not going to use insulin during your growth kit i would hold off till you feel better about using it. If your careful you should have no problem with slin. Try this if you dont want to use growth
    deca 400mg
    test of your choice 500 mg
    eq 600 mg
    all is a weekly dosage go between 8-12 weeks long and start clomid therapy two weeks after your last shot

  3. #3
    Another potent cycle (I have personaly never used hgh) Test 500mg/week Anadrol50mg/day Winstrol 150mg/week and clen..size/strength/vascularity..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    this sounds perfact the only thing wrong is i cant get this stuff. what will the HGH DO WITHOUT SLIN.

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Hey bud - welcome to the family

    As for the GH....I would strongly suggest against it - i am not trying to be rude but I dont think you are ready for it. I think we can easily develop a good cycle to acheive those gains you are looking for without the risks of GH. If you think you'll have a problem putting stuff together send me a PM brother.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yeah buddy, I'm with Mike on this one. Not as a flame, but you really don't sound ready to take GH. GH and slin are eqaully dangerous in their own ways - slin you can give your self a nice healthy case of diabetes if you screw around with it and gh you can make things you DONT WANT to grow, grow... such as your bone structure (jaw, hands, feet especially) You don't wanna run aroiund for the rest of your life looking like a velociraptor beause you used HGH incorrectly, do you? Just trying to help out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    thanks fore the reply. I am reconsidering the use but I still want to know what it will do without the slin. this is just fore info so it can be passed on to two other people who are in the same boat as I am. I would like to stop them from doing something stupid too.
    thanks again fore all the info

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