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Thread: 1st cycle nearly done help with 2nd- stack

  1. #1

    1st cycle nearly done help with 2nd- stack

    Hey everyone! So am about 10 weeks intO a test-e cycle 500mg a week. I am happy with gains of about 4 kilos and a good loss of body fat, as I tried the test to lose the weight I had from a FAT childhood. Strength has increased a fair bit as has stamina and endurance on the football field.

    So I am planning my next cycle... I want to stack test with somethin a bit more serious. I have had no sides at all from the test e. Any suggestions? Considering I play footy and need to be able to run out a game with no cramping or anything like that(have heard some stories about . But I would like to get a good amount of size and cut up too. Any stacks would be good to know about not just test with something.

    Any advice would be much appreciated! :-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    London Baby!!
    Dude, ill tell you what ive been told 1000 times myself..

    TOO YOUNG!....That is all. (Damn that feels goooood)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    23 just a touch on the you g side do you have a solid pct????

    If you liked the results from your first cycle I wouldn't change a thing wait the required time.... Cycle length+pct= time off then run the same cycle again.

  4. #4
    Hey yeah I am happy with the result but am after more on the next cycle. Cheers for the advice on waiting time aswell I was gonna wait two months but will push it out to four.

    And as foe being too young? You only live once mate so I'm goin hard while I can! U never know when the mrs is gonna wave that little stick with a smiley face on it at ya then its all over haha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    to think that you risked your health and future, and jump on roids at a slightly young age, and run a cutting cycle as your first cycle? such a waste of risk. how difficult can it be to lose fat when you're in your early 20s. esp if you have a rather active lifestyle with sports and games. a bit of diet change would have achieved that.

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