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Thread: 2nd Cycle Questions. Test E Equipoise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    2nd Cycle Questions. Test E Equipoise

    So my first cycle got delayed but will be starting it two weeks from now.
    Test prop-100mg EOD for 6 weeks.
    Clomid/Nolva for PCT and Arimidex on hand just in case

    I've had the gear for a two months now but I dislocated my shoulder while coaching wrestling practice so it took me out of the gym for about 3 weeks. Took the time to focus on leaning out even more and just running alot, dropped from 220 to 196 and now back up to 201.9 as of today. Just holding off til I can hold solid at close to 203 or 204.

    Chose Test Prop as a test run to kind of guage how my body will react to it, that way if I do notice that it's not sitting well with me I can get it out of my system relatively fast.

    Anyways, this is pertaining to future cycles ASSUMING this works out well and my body responds well to it.

    I know most guys on here aren't big fans of EQ, most agree that its a waste of time and money and doesn't produce any noticeable muscle mass. My main goal for it though is slight endurance gains but mostly vascularity. Being a wrestler I've reached bodyfats as low as 5 percent for long periods of time. No matter how low I get, can never see my veins due to having really thick skin, normally its just a vein or two on my forearm.

    I know this seems a bit far ahead of schedule but I'm a prepare in advance kind of guy I suppose.

    And as pertaining to me being 23, I'll be 24 in july, I've cycle prohormones a few times including superdrol, and I've been working out since I was 14 and that includes dieting. My caloric intake as of now sits around 5200 calories "roughly".

    I know plenty about equipoise and have done multiple research studies, but the effects on vascularity from people who actually use it can be hard to come by since its often ran alongside tren in cutting cycles.

    And this is just up in the air for now, not even considering this until the spring, just wanted to get some opinions.

    Thanks Guys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I'm sorry but there is no way you are 5% and cant see veins.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    On top of the world
    How do you eat 5k calories and retain 5% BF?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Test prop-100mg EOD for 6-8 weeks is a wise proposition for your 1st AAS cycle.

    It seems like you have done your research extensively, nice to see intelligent newbies like yourself from time to time on this board.

    As for the EQ, I am one of those people who think it is useless.. If you want vascularity on a cycle along with other benefits and with minimum side effects, Primobolan Depot is pretty hard to beat.

    The only proposition I disagree with is your explanation that you would keep an AI under hand and start it if you feel the need to. I would run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD from the first day and on up until PCT not only to make sure estrogen levels are under control but also keeping in mind that your recovery will be easier, faster and overall better during PCT if estrogen levels are not allowed to be elevated throughout the cycle. Waiting on an AI until sides occur is also a common practice amongst juicers, however, it has its downfalls as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I'm not at 5% now by no means, I meant that I've reached levels of 5% while cutting to and maintaing a weightclass which usually involved long durations of caloric restriction and highly intense cardio. Right now I'd say I'm sitting around 10%. And I can see veins at 5% but by no means are they popping out, you can just barely see them on my forearms and biceps after a arm workout.
    Last edited by Grizzlyadam3000; 05-24-2012 at 02:12 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Test prop-100mg EOD for 6-8 weeks is a wise proposition for your 1st AAS cycle.

    It seems like you have done your research extensively, nice to see intelligent newbies like yourself from time to time on this board.

    As for the EQ, I am one of those people who think it is useless.. If you want vascularity on a cycle along with other benefits and with minimum side effects, Primobolan Depot is pretty hard to beat.

    The only proposition I disagree with is your explanation that you would keep an AI under hand and start it if you feel the need to. I would run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD from the first day and on up until PCT not only to make sure estrogen levels are under control but also keeping in mind that your recovery will be easier, faster and overall better during PCT if estrogen levels are not allowed to be elevated throughout the cycle. Waiting on an AI until sides occur is also a common practice amongst juicers, however, it has its downfalls as well.

    Thanks for the input, will look into that. It's just at primobolans price, I'd almost be tempted to continue with just test lol. And I'll def through the AI in throughout the cycle!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Test prop-100mg EOD for 6-8 weeks is a wise proposition for your 1st AAS cycle.

    It seems like you have done your research extensively, nice to see intelligent newbies like yourself from time to time on this board.

    As for the EQ, I am one of those people who think it is useless.. If you want vascularity on a cycle along with other benefits and with minimum side effects, Primobolan Depot is pretty hard to beat.

    The only proposition I disagree with is your explanation that you would keep an AI under hand and start it if you feel the need to. I would run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD from the first day and on up until PCT not only to make sure estrogen levels are under control but also keeping in mind that your recovery will be easier, faster and overall better during PCT if estrogen levels are not allowed to be elevated throughout the cycle. Waiting on an AI until sides occur is also a common practice amongst juicers, however, it has its downfalls as well.

    Thanks for the input, will look into that. It's just at primobolans price, I'd almost be tempted to continue with just test lol. And I'll def through the AI in throughout the cycle!!!

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