Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
Test prop-100mg EOD for 6-8 weeks is a wise proposition for your 1st AAS cycle.
It seems like you have done your research extensively, nice to see intelligent newbies like yourself from time to time on this board.
As for the EQ, I am one of those people who think it is useless.. If you want vascularity on a cycle along with other benefits and with minimum side effects, Primobolan Depot is pretty hard to beat.
The only proposition I disagree with is your explanation that you would keep an AI under hand and start it if you feel the need to. I would run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD from the first day and on up until PCT not only to make sure estrogen levels are under control but also keeping in mind that your recovery will be easier, faster and overall better during PCT if estrogen levels are not allowed to be elevated throughout the cycle. Waiting on an AI until sides occur is also a common practice amongst juicers, however, it has its downfalls as well.