Im 29 6'5" 285 16%bf pretty solid but I always seen to be holding in a ton a water, always have a lil puffy look. Been on simple cycles in the past test prop 600 a wk and deca 400 a week with previous cycles , for about 3-4 yrs now. ( not straight , comming off and then back on ) I never knew about AI or PCT before reading on the site . ( come from a really small town ) So my question is .....this cycle I have test prop for 600 maybe 800 a week for 10 weeks , been reading a lot about clen and letro , can these be used together with the test during the cycle ? I was gonna start clen with 20mg ED and work up my tolerance to about 120 comming off every 3rd week , Im just confused on how to use letro for the best results