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Thread: now part 2 of my 15 weeks cycle !! winstrol,prop,tren,masteron,clen !!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Cool now part 2 of my 15 weeks cycle !! winstrol,prop,tren,masteron,clen !!!!!!!!!!

    so im 9 weeks into my 15 week cycle:
    week 1-10 sustanon 750mg e,w
    week 1-10 deca 300mg e,w
    week 1-9 anavar 100mg ed
    week 10-15 one-rip 1.5ml eod 200mg/ml (prop 75,tren 65,masteron 65)
    week 10-15 oral winstrol 100mg ed
    PCT week 15-19
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    diet changes for the last 5 weeks to being very strict, high protein low carbs etc etc trying to cut as much bf as possible !!!
    any comments or helpfull input ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    So you're doing Sust for 10 weeks, then switching to Prop from week 11-15? Alongside Deca Durab for 10 weeks, and then Tren ? from week 11-15? What kind of Tren? Ace I assume?

    You're Test is going from 750mg EW to barely 400mg in the last 5 weeks?

    Also, I didn't see where you listed Clen? Is this your first cycle? It's pretty shitty to be honest.

    I would say stop your Deca at week 10, but continue with Test through week 14-15, then end the cycle... save the winny, clen and one-rips for a proper cycle in the future...

    PCT looks decent, hows the diet? What are your stats?

    Also, are you running an AI throughout your cycle, and do you have prami or caber for possible prolactin issues?
    Last edited by oscarjones; 05-26-2012 at 02:23 PM.

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