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  1. #1
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    Headaches from dbol....

    Ok guys so help me out, I knew this happened but since it had never happened to me in the past with other substances I never looked into it and now here I am. So currently on cycle dbol , deca , test e. I just started the cycle so according to my dosing schedule Im just on the dbol 40mgs ed right now. Please lets not divert from the topic at hand here when you read that I havent started my test with it. I explained all the reasons for my dosing awhile back and I got all my ctritiquing in then any changes I would make now there would have to be a very good reason to do. Im just not gonna be that guy thats changing his dosing eod, unless of course its something OCT like AI. Anyway ever since I started everyday I get these little annoying headaches. They havent held me back at all but just annoying. My diet has been spot on compared to my TDEE. Im taking in a minimum of 1.5 gallons of water ed and will continue to keep bumping that up as the mass increases. So what is it thats causes these headaches? If you could elaborate a bit on what causes it so I can learn it versus just listinig how to remedy it. Please list that as well ha ha cuz its frustrating.

  2. #2
    7own3nd is offline Junior Member
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    Its mainnly to do with the rise in bp from the dboll and water being retaind. Try uping your water intake. Cut out salt try. Not add to enything and also up you ptasium intake

  3. #3
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    Check your blood pressure.

  4. #4
    kolaking's Avatar
    kolaking is offline Associate Member
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    I had the oppposite effect, have not had a headache in 6 weeks and I get them regularly. Bp was normal while on for 4 weeks at 40mg ed. Everyone reacts dif. to all these compounds, there are as many dif. little side effects as what you see on any tv ad for any type med. Hope you get it under controle!

  5. #5
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    I've heard of aggressive people actually becoming less aggressive on gear, there's tons of weird side effects. Its your health checks out though who cares

  6. #6
    bigging's Avatar
    bigging is offline Junior Member
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    I get same effects from dbol u might need to lower dose or come off , make sure u drink plenty of water man

  7. #7
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    Ya that would make sense I will but the water i take up to minimum 2 gallons a day. I have my own bp monitor at home just gotta dig it out from where ever it is. Got all my labs done week before starting along with my bp at that time everything was good 128/72. Shud I throw some baby asprin into the mix til I can get it under control? Gonna go find that monitor will post back after I do. Thanks a bunch fellas!

  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigga4068 View Post
    Ya that would make sense I will but the water i take up to minimum 2 gallons a day. I have my own bp monitor at home just gotta dig it out from where ever it is. Got all my labs done week before starting along with my bp at that time everything was good 128/72. Shud I throw some baby asprin into the mix til I can get it under control? Gonna go find that monitor will post back after I do. Thanks a bunch fellas!
    you should get a BP monitor and check every day. I don't think the asprin will do much. I think potassium will help you a lot. Use nosalt instead of salt

  9. #9
    auswest is offline Banned
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    For heart health on cycle i use: Hawthorn berry extract, celery seed extract, coq10, baby aspirin, fish oil. keep salt and stimulants to a minimum. Plenty of garlic too.

  10. #10
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok so got my monitor checked myself 138/103 ****! Also i was thinking about how to increase water intake and in doing so was looking my.jug I carry around with me and findout its not the size I thought itthought it was. So turns outIm already consuming up to 4 gallons a day shud I increase it more? I can def hit up some potassium. I will contitnue to check my bp at least once eod til I start to get it under control and if i cant then try lower dose and still cant no more dbol for me

  11. #11
    auswest is offline Banned
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    whats your bf% like ?

  12. #12
    sxxen is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigga4068 View Post
    Ok so got my monitor checked myself 138/103 ****! Also i was thinking about how to increase water intake and in doing so was looking my.jug I carry around with me and findout its not the size I thought itthought it was. So turns outIm already consuming up to 4 gallons a day shud I increase it more? I can def hit up some potassium. I will contitnue to check my bp at least once eod til I start to get it under control and if i cant then try lower dose and still cant no more dbol for me
    Uhhh, you never need 4 gallons of water a day.

  13. #13
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sxxen

    Uhhh, you never need 4 gallons of water a day.
    I agree. Google water toxicity. Too much water can actually kill you.

  14. #14
    cb714's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigga4068 View Post
    Ok so got my monitor checked myself 138/103 ****! Also i was thinking about how to increase water intake and in doing so was looking my.jug I carry around with me and findout its not the size I thought itthought it was. So turns outIm already consuming up to 4 gallons a day shud I increase it more? I can def hit up some potassium. I will contitnue to check my bp at least once eod til I start to get it under control and if i cant then try lower dose and still cant no more dbol for me
    whooaah. I think you need to cut back on your water intake man.. Seriously, you can die from drinking too much water.

    Check this out-

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigga4068 View Post
    Ok so got my monitor checked myself 138/103 ****! Also i was thinking about how to increase water intake and in doing so was looking my.jug I carry around with me and findout its not the size I thought itthought it was. So turns outIm already consuming up to 4 gallons a day shud I increase it more? I can def hit up some potassium. I will contitnue to check my bp at least once eod til I start to get it under control and if i cant then try lower dose and still cant no more dbol for me
    That's kind of overkill, besides more water in your body = higher BP. Doctors often prescribe a diuretic to lower blood pressure. I take one with an ACE inhibitor to lower mine.

  16. #16
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    I think I was def tip toeing on that edge to much water. Like I said previously I thought i was only drinking half the amount I actually was just under 2 gallons a day. To top of the badness I ran out of multi vitamins so I think I was totally flushing myself out. I picked some up to dropped my water do to actually only 1.5 wanting to see 2 a day. Gonna let my food settle and will take BP again. Today was a pretty ruff day tho. I think large in part to my body got flushed out so bad. I will check my BP once more then gonna go to sleep so that hopefully come tomorrow morning Im back on track. Dbol thats some powerful shit.

  17. #17
    technodrome is offline Junior Member
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    In your case its your blood pressure. Its too high.

    For me I had the same headaches from DBOL . But my blood pressure was perfect. So i started taking vitamin b complex. It helps your nerves/relieves stress. Sometimes if your gaining weight fast its stressful for your body. I found a b complex tablet everyday imedietly eliminated my dbol headaches.

    So if your BP ends up going down and the headaches don't stop.. Give it a try...

  18. #18
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey thanks guys it amazing how a little over site like to much water intake can have such a massive affect. I know thats why its so important and always preached on this forum to be extremely thorough when cycling regardless the compounds. Well I been monitoring my bp closely ever since and I got my water intake back on track and my bp has dropped significantly last check was 130/78. The headaches have subsided, not gone completely yet I have still benn getting them after workouts. So might look to add some of the supplements you guys have.reccomeded. very thankful for the advice because I had I not gotten the advice I may not have ever discovered my high water intake and who knows what could have happened. For all the less experienced readers learn from my experience. I feel like Im pretty knowledgable with a fair amount of experience, this being my 6th cycle, and still this happened. So just know upfront AAS are powerful and need to be taken seriously.

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