How fast can you lose on a low dose (40mcg) clen for a week? Doing a high protein , med fat, low carbs diet and 3x a steady paced cardio.
195 lb
20 %
Also, what time is the latest on can take clen in the morning?
Thanks in advance
How fast can you lose on a low dose (40mcg) clen for a week? Doing a high protein , med fat, low carbs diet and 3x a steady paced cardio.
195 lb
20 %
Also, what time is the latest on can take clen in the morning?
Thanks in advance
1.26 lbs per day.
Really though, there is no telling. only way to know is to try it. Everyones body reacts differently to this stuff. for example, for me, on day 5, I got sick and puked my lungs out. Had to get off it.
There are quite a few cycle logs in the members cycles section that you could check out.
Very true!Originally Posted by austinite
Do i have to take Clen upon waking?
Is Salbutamol the same as Clen?
Last edited by BigPimpin76; 05-27-2012 at 08:10 PM.
Read this thread, it's what I used before my cycle.
Awesome read, thanks!,Originally Posted by austinite
I found that that if I took it at 4:30 am I still felt it all day long. I loved it. I had no trouble sleeping and I dropped 13lbs in the first 7 days. I did 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and repeated this once and at the end of 6 weeks I dropped to about 8% BF. all my cardio was done outside on a highschool track where I would sprint 100m and then power walk 100m. I did this for 20-30 min every day. Best fat burning workout ive ever done.
Good luck!
Hey papa g . Whats going bro!Originally Posted by papa-g
Thanks for your advise! I have been doin hill sprinting for about 15 mins! After that I felt spent and happy to have done a good job! Thats a good tip taking the Clen at 4:30 am . Im going to try that! I remember back then using Clen, i kinda couldnt take the sides!
Im lookin forwarrd though
Papa g, what dose were you taking?
I was taking the Ar-r stuff. And I think it was 1/10 of a cc for the first 2 days and then every 2 days I would increase the dose by a1/10 of a cc for 2days. And just keep on that pace for 2 weeks.Originally Posted by ovidiu31
Were you taking liquid clen?Originally Posted by papa-g
What's so impressive?? I ate alot of chicken salad, whites, protein bars, and next to NO carbs after noon.
Yes. The stuff arr sells. Under the tongue.Originally Posted by BigPimpin76
How were your work outs?
Mine or papa g's ?Originally Posted by Badluck33
i was talking to papa G but if you were on it too, i'd like to hear yours as well...
Just 15 min of fast sprints and you will be set!!Originally Posted by Badluck33
Did I post something wrong in regards to the pic i sent attached?Originally Posted by BigPimpin76
I was wondering if i could use this since i cant get a hold of clen in tabs?
Anyone herad of albuterol? Any good?
from my understanding albuteral is almost the same as clenbuteral. But albuteral is less harmful to you and has good side effects related to heart health.
I did a sprint for about 100m then a jog/power walk for a 100m. Back and fourth for about 20-30 min. Best fat burning workout ever.Originally Posted by BigPimpin76
The liquid stuff from Ar-r. The site sponsored store was fin IMO.Originally Posted by BigPimpin76
Took my first dose of Albuterol this morning 40 mg , did some cardio (sprints)and as of now, im feeling great and also focused . I just feel Uplifted and positive!!
No harsh and uncodortable feeling like Clen used to give me!
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Last edited by BigPimpin76; 05-29-2012 at 11:02 AM.
I managed to buy Albuterol instead of Clen.Originally Posted by BigPimpin76
Clen has been discontinued therefor Albuterol is the new option in the market being sold over the counter!
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