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Thread: Experiences

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    SA Jungles


    Hello to All,

    I have been reading on the board for a few years now and would just like to share some of my experiences and say hello to everyone. My stats are 5'7" 200lbs 27 yrs old, been training for 8 years. I have done only two simple cycles in the past and have learned from both of them. My first cycle was deca 400/wk for 8 weeks. I see many posts on how deca is a bad cycle by itself. I don't believe this to be the case for a first cycle. I chose the compound because of its supposed "minimal" side effects and its capabilities of putting on mass. I achieved excellent results from this cycle gaining 15 solid net pounds(20 total) that I held on to for over 1.5 years before I cycled again. I made excellent strength gains and had little to no sides. I ran the usual clomid therapy and had no problems recovering.

    My next cycle consisted of Test Cyp. I began by running 400 mg/wk along with .5 l-dex ed. I used Upjohn Cyp gotten with a script (legit) and had no gains all the way into week 8. Because of this I bumped the dosage up to 600mg/wk and ran l-dex .5 eod until week 12 (from 8-12 600/wk) I immediatley began to see results. All said and done I kept another 15 solid pounds but this time with hair loss. I wanted to share my experiences because I wanted to share my mistakes. I believe that taking L-dex was a mistake on this cycle because it hindered my gains with 400mg/wk. Had I not taken L-dex I probably (this is all my theory) would have gained just fine on 400 mg/wk with much less hairloss. I had zero hair loss until I upped the dosage (not to say hairloss wouldnt have taken place in the last 5-6 weeks of the cycle anyway, but it seemed to be the case). I recovered post cycle using both Novaldex and Clomid running them both at the same time Nov = 40 mg 1st day and then 20 mg for another 48 days and Clomid at the usual 300/100/50. I found I recovered excellent using this method (much faster than clomid alone although I know deca shuts you down harder)

    I am pleased that I did not stack either cycle because I recieved excellent gains and found out how my body reacts to each compound. I made about as good of gains as I felt I could make and actually keep so I was happy. For my third cycle I plan on stacking both the test and deca, I will be posting some questions for the pros on that soon. I just wanted to share my experiences and let some newbies know that deca alone or test alone will give you great gains, if they dont chances are that your training, rest, or nutrition are not up to par. Also I would recommend the same as many on the EF boards, do not use Anti-E's unless necessary. Perhaps everyone should think about cutting that first cycle dosage of test down and avoiding the anti-e's unless signs of gyno show, use diet to help control some water retention.

    Just my .02 guys! Great Board.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    good post for newbies...bump to the top

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