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  1. #1
    nooby's Avatar
    nooby is offline Associate Member
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    Half way through first cycle...

    So far I am very happy. I have gained 14lbs and cut some fat. Starting to worry about coming off cycle. I have been on TRT in the past due to a problem I have, non-AAS related. The past year I got off TRT completely and did not have any blood work due to lack of insurance, and financial difficulty. Due to pituitary problems my test levels were in the low 100's prior to TRT.

    So I need to make a decision... Do I do a PCT and see if my test levels can get better naturally or go straight back to TRT. I really don't want to be on TRT as it is costly and I don't like being dependent on anything.

    So what I am really saying is that I am worried about going back to having low test levels. How do you guys cope coming off cycle, and dealing with test suppression? Anyone here supposed to be on TRT and choose not to? Is it possible to use HCG long term? Anyone here ever do a very low dose of TRT, so your not shut down completely, in case you end up stopping for some reason?

    I am pretty sure I know the answers, and what I should do, but I want to share, and get other peoples opinions.

  2. #2
    technodrome is offline Junior Member
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    I've read various times that you can't do HCG longterm because you will become desensitized to it.

    You can take 2 caps daily of andriol testocaps for TRT for $70 a month. If you know someone who can send it to you from overseas where it's affordable.

    Or come get a Canadian citizenship and just start getting your healthcare for free... lol

    I can tell you i did small dose of Andriol for a month and my balls never shrunk up. But i'm sure thats not a sure enough answer to assure you. I didn't have bloodwork done at the time either. So no solid evidence...

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    how sure were your docs regarding your initial diagnosis? pan-hypo-pituitary? how and your other hormones? if the initial diagnosis was good, then you should have an idea what your chances are of recovery. if the condition is permanent, then forget about the pct.

    trt should be cheaper than your cycle, since it only involves about 1/4 of cycle doses.

  4. #4
    nooby's Avatar
    nooby is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    how sure were your docs regarding your initial diagnosis? pan-hypo-pituitary? how and your other hormones? if the initial diagnosis was good, then you should have an idea what your chances are of recovery. if the condition is permanent, then forget about the pct.

    trt should be cheaper than your cycle, since it only involves about 1/4 of cycle doses.
    Actually yes, TRT would be affordable to me now. I can actually get it a lot cheaper on the street, than the andro gel I was prescribed originally. LOL My chances of recovery are not good, so I guess my real question is... How do you deal with the depression, lack of energy, and other symptoms coming off cycle, but the more I hear myself talk, the more I realize that I just need to blast and cruise. There is no way around it.

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