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Thread: test prop cycle how long before i see real resaults

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    test prop cycle how long before i see real resaults

    I'm 9 days into my first cycle. I started with 150mg eod of test prop and 200mg a week of deca I pinned the deca twice but have dropped it because of feedback on here. I am listening to advice and I am serious about this but it seems really hard to get anywhere on here. I understand the risks and I am on here to learn and listen to the pro. I am a elite lifter but I have not ever competed and would like to at some point in the next 3 to 5 years. Now I just want to say that when you guys got to the point where you decided to do gear and had stopped gaining would you have stopped? No but would you have been better off if you had good advice? Yes. So please only good advice on this thread.

    My stats
    Age 28
    Weight 185 I know I'm light but I gain weight hard and I am posting on nutrition thread today. Read my stats cause for my weight pound to lift ratio is great.
    Height 6'1
    Deadlift 450 raw
    Squat 485 raw
    Bench 255 I struggle with upping this.
    Clean and press 195
    Preacher curl my own weight
    Plus I just came off a cut and my power is down at those stats.
    I also am not a power lifter.
    I want to keep 15 pounds of leak muscle from cycle and I want to stay lean for the summer.

    First question is how long will it take to start seeing strength and size gains I have been on for 9 days.
    Second how drastically will those gains be workout to workout.
    Third is 150mg a eod of prop enough with out the deca to reach my goal or should I up it.
    Forth being that I dropped the deca after injecting twice will that have any bad effect on my cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    1. You will NOT gain 15 lbs of lean muscle tissue from Test Prop 150mg EOD cycle. This also wouldn't have happened with the addition of 200mg of Deca, so let's not kid ourselves here.

    2. Do NOT expect a drastic and sudden increment in strength and size throughout this cycle, it won't happen. You should see ''some'' difference in about a week, however.

    3. 150mg Test Prop EOD makes a pretty decent 1st cycle, make sure you are eating at least at a level of maintenance with significant emphasis on protein so that you can benefit the most from your first cycle. Will this allow you to reach your unrealistic goal of gaining 15 lbs of lean muscle tissue? No, it won't happen on this cycle.

    4. The fact that you pinned Deca twice and dropped it will have next to a nil effect on your cycle, don't worry about it.

    What you should be careful with here is designing a solid PCT to make sure hormonal restoration will be quick and implementing an overeating strategy during PCT in order to be able to hold on to your lean gains that were made during your cycle. If you don't do these, you will in for a disappointment once your gains are gone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Thank you great feedback this is the type of advice I need. I am going to run clomid and nova pct still tweaking doses though by researching on here. I want to run pct for six weeks any suggestion on what it should look like? Also I am running my cycle for 12 weeks of the prop. I am taken in 3000 caps a day on cycle 300 grams of protein after cycle I am going on a bulk for winter so will be taken in 4000 cal a day. Does this seem right? What is a realistic goal for this cycle in lean gain? And would it hurt to up the prop to 175mg eod? Thanks again for the great feedback.

  4. #4
    I think a realistic goal on your first cycle lbm wie would probably be about 10lbs. That isn't to say everything you gain will be lean; that depends on the cleanliness of your diet, genetics, and of course work out regimen, but you can def hope to gain and retain 10 or so lean pounds. I know I did on my first cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by spoon69
    Thank you great feedback this is the type of advice I need. I am going to run clomid and nova pct still tweaking doses though by researching on here. I want to run pct for six weeks any suggestion on what it should look like? Also I am running my cycle for 12 weeks of the prop. I am taken in 3000 caps a day on cycle 300 grams of protein after cycle I am going on a bulk for winter so will be taken in 4000 cal a day. Does this seem right? What is a realistic goal for this cycle in lean gain? And would it hurt to up the prop to 175mg eod? Thanks again for the great feedback.
    a typical first cycle would be 500mgs per week, test only, also test prop is a great choice because of its short ester, this shorter cycles faster results! 12 weeks is a long first cycle with prop!! recovery will be quicker and easier, with an 8 week cycle!! results will be very similar! think about it, the less time your system is shut down, the better.

    Pct for this cycle would also be a typical 4 week clomid and nolva.

    nolva- 40/40/20/20

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Ok that sounds great. I think 8 weeks will be a lot better and safer I only planned on 12 weeks cause I was running deca but I dropped it. So if I do 8 weeks is it ok to run more prop a week so I still use up my gear? Like 200mg eod?

    Also on the pct is it 40mg a day nova 100 a day clomid or is that per week?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I wouldn't go over 150mg EOD as for the 1st cycle, you still need to see how your body responds to that much test on a weekly basis and frankly, 150mg EOD Test Prop is a solid dose for a beginner cycle.

    You'll also need a mild AI for this cycle, run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD throughout the cycle, up until PCT.

    If you keep the dose at 150mg EOD, your PCT protocol will be rather light.

    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 50/50/50/50

    ^^^ This will be sufficient for your first cycle.

    You still need to figure out how to eat once PCT kicks in, overeating (eating above maintenance) is about the only strategy that allows you to hold on to new muscle tissue with very little memory and maturity on the cellular level; however, this does NOT mean that your calories will not be clean, as there is no stuffing your face with simple sugars and junk food during PCT. Your calories should still come from complex carbs, healthy fats and anabolic protein sources that are naturally high in cholesterol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer
    I wouldn't go over 150mg EOD as for the 1st cycle, you still need to see how your body responds to that much test on a weekly basis and frankly, 150mg EOD Test Prop is a solid dose for a beginner cycle.

    You'll also need a mild AI for this cycle, run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD throughout the cycle, up until PCT.

    If you keep the dose at 150mg EOD, your PCT protocol will be rather light.

    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 50/50/50/50

    ^^^ This will be sufficient for your first cycle.

    You still need to figure out how to eat once PCT kicks in, overeating (eating above maintenance) is about the only strategy that allows you to hold on to new muscle tissue with very little memory and maturity on the cellular level; however, this does NOT mean that your calories will not be clean, as there is no stuffing your face with simple sugars and junk food during PCT. Your calories should still come from complex carbs, healthy fats and anabolic protein sources that are naturally high in cholesterol.
    ^^^^ yes, great advise Turkish, I forgot to mention adex !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    With prop you'll start seeing changes after the first week or so. It also really comes down to dieting and lifting man. I mean you can inject massive amounts of steroids and have a shitty diet and not see anything other than bloating.

    Realistically, you should see about a 10 lb solid lean increase. Considering your size and this being your first cycle, you may put on 20-25 lbs but it's NOT gonna be all muscle. I would say 10 solid lbs is attainable given you stay on top of the diet and train properly. People may try to make it seem like 10lbs is nothing but try gaining 10lbs of solid muscle in 2 months naturally... it wont happen. Patience and discipline are key man.

    Good luck with your cycle.

    Oh yea, and 150mg eod is plenty. Dont over do it. You're just starting.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Turkish Juicer would you be able to post what you recommend for a PCT?
    I have read many over the years, tried a few. My last PCT sucked.. or I felt like shit on it.
    If that is your profile pic, you look great.. so I figured I would ask what you recommend for PCT.

    I have ran a few cycles over the last 2 years with a few in my mid 20's as well. I have been off for 5 months and now just starting back on.

    I am just starting a cutting cycle with T3, test enanthate and GH frag 176-191.
    I will run the T3 for 2-4wks, keep running the GH frag for 2-3 weeks after i finish T3 to avoid rebound from T3 possibly and test for 10-12 weeks most likely.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Clomid nolva is a must. I like to add clen at low dose as well and train harder while pct eat better and smarter this is more.imoortant than while on.cycle 100 percent

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Loads of solid advise, I don't get why you dropped the deca though. I know its a first cycle but at least you have a good knowledge base of what your doing compared to some of the dumbas ses that come on here at 19 running 3 copounds on their first go around including tren.
    Of course 200mg of deca would be a waste......good luck

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