bw results.prolactin norm but im lactacting?????
hey guys so i got my bw bak and my prolactin levels seem to be in the normal range but i notice i cn still squeeze some milk from my nips and i have fina dick.i ran 400 deca for 3 mos b4 switching to tren a 100 eod for my contest prep and havent really ran anything for prolactin except prami like 2 wks ago but i stoopped the last wk cause it made me feel like shit.on a side note my estro seems high as well for having run aroma 12.5 ed for last 3 wks as well.
im running 100 mg of test p,mast and tren a eod for last 2wks and 80 var ed.i thought for sure my estro would be lower thn norm since im running the aroma ed and also the mast and var are suppose to compete wit estro as well.
Pituitary Function
Prolactin 12.0 <15 ug/L
Reproductive and Gonadal
Estradiol A 200 <150 pmol/L
05-31-2012, 01:04 PM #2New Member
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I read a good thread earlier today that could help
The How To Use Caber Thread by dukkitdalaw
05-31-2012, 01:08 PM #3
Prolactin is not the sole cause of lactation, estorgen can also be a causative factor.
You need to bring both estrogen and prolactin down, they're the high end of the range, which is why you have these symtoms.
Get some Cabergolone and Aromasin . Aromasin 25mg/ED for the first 5 days, then 10mg/ED. Caber 0.5mg/EOD, for first 4 applications, then 2x week.
swifto im so glad u responded to my post sounds like your the man when it comes to this.yes i have just recieved my caber and was goin to foloow that protocol as i read eslsewere where you recomended that .so where exactly would you like to see my prolactin vlevels at??lowerr the better i take it? and you recomend .5 twice a wk for maintence or ..25???........and i was thinkin that my estro would have came in lower than that 4sure since ive been running aroma 12.5 ed for last 2wks and dnt seem to have too much estro sides and have droopped lots water and the fact im running mast and var which compete with estro as well.im only running 100mg test prop eod as well
06-09-2012, 05:13 AM #5New Member
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How have you got on with the caber mate
glad you asked .im 1.5 wks in now with my caber and still no increase in libido like i was expecting.i went .5 eod for 1st 4 doses and now goin to .5 twice a wk and nothin at all.ive also upped my aroma to 25 mg ed like swifto recomended which i was gonna do anyways cause im running a cutttin cycle leading into a showand im a month out and i need sto start killing offf my estro to start drying up.(estro was above the range anyways) i might hold off till i hit the 2wk mark to decidee to keep goin with caber or switch bak to prami.i was a walkin hrd on with prami which l liked alot but just felt like i had shiity sleep and felt naseauted in the am but now im thinkin the sleep coulda just beeen the tren .ive read so many good things about caber thats why i gave it a try but thsi stuff aint exactly that cheap since i got it from my doc.do u yoursefl have any experience with caber???
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