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  1. #1
    mr.slippyfist69's Avatar
    mr.slippyfist69 is offline Associate Member
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    Help with the last 5 weeks of my cycle

    34 yo male 5'8" 193-----this is my third rodeo. I did a cycle 4 years ago that lasted almost 10 weeks. test enth 400mg 2x week / sus 300mg 2x week / deca 300mg 2x week/ dbol 30 mg daily for 4 weeks. I had amazing results. My starting weight was 147 due to extreme lyme symptoms. By the end of the cycle I was a 180 before the PCT . Lost the water weight and some bulk but most of it stayed up till now. This second cycle i went with the advise of a guy from work that claims to be an old school gear-head. cyp 600mg/ deca 400mg/ dbol 40mg daily) a week spilt into two shots. I have to say that I am disappointed with the results this time around. I am up to 194 from a starting weight of 179. I have five more weeks left before it ends and I am done with the dbol. I have an order in route for my own use and some extra. is it a bad idea to stop the deca at this point? With my order is Drostanolone Propionate ,Tri-Tren 180 mg/ml.,Sust Blend 300 mg/ml.,Test 400 mg/ml. Should I run with these till the end or just save em' for the next round and finish this one off with what I have on hand?-----Thanx for any feed back=-Mr.slippyfist69

  2. #2
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    So if I'm getting this correct you want to stop taking ur current compounds mid cycle and switch to totally different ones to finish the duration of the cycle as originally planned? This is a bad idea IMO man. To give you a good explanationn why i wud need to know things like how long has ur cycle been so far, how long till its complete, etch etch? Regardless tho there is a host of reasons why it a bad decision. I think you shud just stick with your original plan besides I know you said your not that happy with the results from it but you did put on some weight. Plus your gonna have such huge experience stations now for your cycles because your first cycle was ridicule illusion. I assume your running good pct since you said you kept fair amount of the gains but how long has it been since your last cycle? You need go wait at least the same time equivalent to how long your cycle was with pct. The cycle your currently on is a good cycle dbol +test+deca . Perhaps some of the other factors to a good cycle were lacking like good nutrition or maybe the gear was undersized. Regardless of any of that I wud.def stick with the original plan finish it out and them move on.
    Last edited by bigga4068; 05-31-2012 at 03:51 PM.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    well the deca is just kicking in. Your up 15lbs in 5 weeks. I dont see why you are complaining. No i would stick to what you are running its obviously working.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    I fvcking hate auto correct. No time to repair my post so try to make sense of it and i will clean it up later sorry dude

  5. #5
    mr.slippyfist69's Avatar
    mr.slippyfist69 is offline Associate Member
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    That's Ok Bigga----I get what your saying bro, I just think it may be something to do with the gear because I know it's not nutrition or my lift because i'm following pretty much the same format as last cycle. Yes, I ran a great PCT after my last one with Nova and HCG . I just finished reading a long ass thread about the lab i got my gear from last night and It was mixed at best. Lixus has a lot of haters out there. But like the other reply said, I am up 15 in five weeks so I'll just stop thinking it's going to be like the first one. I only wish.........Thanks guy's. I would love to hear anything anyone has to say about that lab though.....

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    The only way it will be like the first one is if you put on a ton of fat and water weight, The first one you gained so much because you were so undersized. Even you said you were small from getting over lymes. The closer to your limit you get to the less you lean mass you will keep putting on.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    mr.slippyfist69's Avatar
    mr.slippyfist69 is offline Associate Member
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    New York, New York
    I was so skinny, no joke. Thanx again for your help qixxerboy1

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