Thread: AI vs Nova/Clomid during cycle?
06-01-2012, 02:43 AM #1Banned
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AI vs Nova/Clomid during cycle?
If SERMS block estrogen then what would be ideal use for an AI during a cycle?
If AI's can kill off estrogen which is why people get worried about it effecting gains during a cycle than what is the point of taking them?
Lets say you ran Nova during a cycle, if that blocks estrogen then wouldn't it be ideal instead of a AI if it would not effect your gains because it neither kills estrogen nor increase it either?
Wouldn't a SERM be more ideal over a AI based on that?
I know most people like to run Serms on PCT but how does a AI benifit more than a serm during the cycle if it can possibly effect gains?
I know some people don't get gyno and some people don't run any serm/AI durning cycle at all but assuming you were taking one durring cycle what is the benifit of AI over Serm during cycle if AI can possibly effect gains?
like example if someone was doing this
During cycle - Superdrol, Liver supp, (AI or Nova)? I know some people will use nova during and some AI but with AI people report it effecting gains?
PCT - Clomid or Nova, Test Boost
Adding a AI over a nova/clomid during someones cycle what benefit does it have.
And no that is not my cycle or my plan I was just giving an example so you can answer the question. Although I could probably find this on google within an hour I'd rather post so I get many answers, opinions and plus I need to get my post up so I can view certain things which it wont allow me and its annoying.
06-01-2012, 02:46 AM #2
i think its explained in the sticky above, by swifto
06-01-2012, 03:06 AM #3Banned
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I read one of his stickies earlier about some of it, basically talking about AI's but if there is a risk of AI's lowering your estrogen to low, wouldn't it just seem alot more easier just using a simple nova. I didn't get to into the whole AI vs Serm thing yet, I mean I know what they both do but I don't see why you wouldn't just go with a serm unless you have very high estrogen levels.
Lets say you went to the doctors and got blood work done, your estrogen is normal, you decide to do a cycle, wouldn't a basic serm be good because first of all you know your current estrogen levels are normal so the serm should block estrogen from getting high in the first place. If you tried a AI you run the risk of lowering estrogen to low effecting your gains.
Lets say someone else gets blood work. There estrogen levels are high. They decide to start a cycle anyways, wouldn't now for that person seem logical for them to use a AI to lower their estrogen levels. Then on a PCT run a serm
Doesn't it seem that AI's would be better for people with high estrogen and if you have normal estrogen you really wouldn't need a AI like someone who may have a bit more.
I'm sure AI's can work on both people if you are 100% correct on dosage not to lower your estrogen too low but that was what I was thinking in terms of use it seems a serm is easier to manage and get right and can be just as effective on cycle?
06-01-2012, 05:58 AM #4
On a cycle, when pinning test, every single one of us will have high estro if no AI is used. Every single one. Regardless of baseline estro level.
06-01-2012, 07:56 AM #5
because there is other health issues from high estrogen besides gyno. Ones you cant feel. So taking nolva will do nothing for those because you will still have high estrogen.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
06-01-2012, 08:00 AM #6
If I'm not mistaken, nolva blocks the estrogen receptors, while an AI actually blocks the testosterone from converting to estrogen in the first place. So AI is just smarter, seen many people say use nolva if gyno appears, but really shouldn't be a need if dosing an AI properly. But I'm no expert lol
06-01-2012, 01:49 PM #7Banned
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So do most people run AI's on cycle? I know some people just keep nova on hand for gyno I'm assuming AI's would still fix gyno because they drop estrogen levels right?
So would you run an AI on cycle reguardless if you you don't get gyno or just keep it on hand?
On cycle = SD ,anastrozole, a liver supp
PCT = Nova/Clomid, test booster such as DAA
Just trying to understand all of this, some people will use test boosters during a PCT but some others feel you don't have to. So do you perfer using test boosters on PCT or not. Oh and yes if your thinking oh just look it up, I did but I get mixed results some people don't take test boosters at all during PCT while others think you need one.
I mean obviously a liver supp and serm is needed definitatly but some other things that you can throw in during cycle or PCT seems to have alot of mixed opinions on when I look it up.
Basically these two last questions should be it.
#1 - Do you run AI's on cycle regardless if your getting gyno or just keep it on hand until you see gyno?
#2 - What is your take on test boosters during PCT, Needed or not needed.
#3 - if you answered #1 or #2 thanks.
06-01-2012, 01:52 PM #8
YES I run an ai on every cycle. Like i said having increased estrogen levels does more then gyno. and your estrogen will be raised on cycle. So you need to take an ai to keep it in the normal ranges.
No i dont use test booster. I think they are garbage and a waste of $$.If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
06-01-2012, 01:59 PM #9Originally Posted by G Lock
#2 they're optional... Nolva n Clomid alone will boost natural levels up to 150%... way more than any test booster. The test boosters won't hurt but the effects will be minimal
Give this a read.. it'll explain everything n more on how and why to always use an AI on cycle.
06-01-2012, 02:01 PM #10
First off for that cycle I'm pretty sure Superdrol doesn't even aromatize so an AI would probably pointless for a PH cycle.
If you are running a cycle in which it causes aromatization then you will want to have an AI and will want to run it with the start of your first pin. Why would you wait till gyno flares up to start your AI? If you know the compound you are taking from the start will aromatize then it would just be stupid to not take preventative measures. Like mentioned above just because you don't see or feel gyno doesn't meen your estrogen levels arn't high.
Are you talking about OTC Test Boosters? I guess it depends on the individual, some people hate the way they feel during PCT and want a little bit of a boost. OTC Test Boosters will make a very minimal effects in PCT. They're a waste of money IMO.
06-01-2012, 02:04 PM #11Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze
06-01-2012, 02:22 PM #12Banned
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Oh ya your right I do remember seeing that SD doesn't aromatize, to tell you the truth I thought that they were just saying that to sell their product and I didn't look to much into it as being true or not. I think in the description it says that it doesn't convert to estrogen but I thought they were just saying that to make the product sound better and more safe so people would buy it lol. I don't get why it says it can do the opposite? I'm guessing since it doesn't aromatize that they ment test levels will be much higher than estrogen levels.
In that case were you have a product that doesn't aromatize would you just keep a simple nova/clomid on hand just in case instead of a AI or just not get one at all.
I'm talking about on cycle obviously on PCT you'll need a sermLast edited by G Lock; 06-01-2012 at 02:30 PM.
06-01-2012, 02:32 PM #13
I'm pretty sure that's highly illegal. You could just look up the chemical name on the product then find out if that steroid profile aromatizes. I'm sure the chemical is in steroid profile sections.
Nolva/Clomid are SERMs. In the PCT section Swifto lays out a small PH PCT that involves both Nolva/Clomid at small doses for a short period of time. I haven't read it in such a long time that I don't remember the exact details but it is there, you should check it out.
06-01-2012, 02:41 PM #14Banned
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I'll check it out, I seen that swifto has alot of stickies but didn't get the chance to read them all yet.
06-01-2012, 05:56 PM #15Banned
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