06-01-2012, 03:05 PM #1
Attn Vets...help build me a cycle
Hello gentlemen, I'm happy to be a new member here. I'm seeking the knowledge of some veterans to help me build a cycle. I'm an advanced pro-hormone/pro-steroid user but relatively new to the traditional stuff. I've been cycling on/off of superdrol, pheraplex and finigenix magnum for years. I've attained some pretty good gains but, unfortunately, my recent blood work suggests I've reached the extent of what my liver can handle. Ive only done one cycle of test-e and test-cyp 4 years ago. I'm five weeks off of the designer steroids (finished nolva/clomid pct) and my blood work results have gotten exponentially better. I'm looking to start up a cycle of injectables in a month of so. I think I'm done with oral steroids for atleast a couple of months, maybe a year. In any event, my stats are: 26 yrs old, 5'7 3/4" , 201 lbs, bench press on/off cycle 455/405. I would like to get up to between 210-215lbs. I was thinking maybe a cycle of test and tren ? Maybe work in some masteron ? Any comments are welcome. I'm looking to become educated here. Thanks.
06-01-2012, 03:53 PM #2
Change your avatar mate another member has it already.
You put together your own cycle, then per pose it, then the vets will critique and give advise.
06-01-2012, 04:43 PM #4
Read beginners cycles bro you will find it in the educational threads.Good luck.
06-01-2012, 10:21 PM #5
You will be typically advised to run either Test E for 12 weeks or Test Prop for 8 weeks at 500mg EW as for your 1st cycle.
Implementation of an AI throughout the cycle, as well as running a solid PCT protocol after the cycle will also be typically advised.
This covers about it.
06-01-2012, 10:25 PM #6Originally Posted by bob87
06-01-2012, 10:53 PM #7
06-01-2012, 10:55 PM #8
Honestly bro do some reading around the site you'll learn a ton
Post # 1. Build me a cycle. LMAO!!!
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