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  1. #1
    Kodama is offline New Member
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    50 yo with low T, does he need PCT?

    Half a year ago, I asked my doctor to check my testosterone level. Came back a dismal 274. So after a brief time with the useless Androgel , he started give me T enan shots, 1 mil every two weeks. After 4 months we checked the T level again and it was a much more respectable 600. Doctor moved me to 1 mil every month. I wasn't crazy about that, so I started to sneak that extra T shot every other week. So far, so good, suffering no adverse effects.

    The more I looked into it, the more I learned about T converting to estrogen, DHT, your nads shrinking, etc. So I started Fincar, Arimidex in small dosages. 50 mil of Clomid every other day. After a month of this I haven't noticed anything different. Outside calipers say the boys are the same size as they've always been. Good, right?

    I have to wonder, is the Fincar, Arimidex and Clomid usage aimed at younger guys with normal T levels? Is my 2 mil of test enan every month going to require these, considering my age and abnormally low natural T level?



  2. #2
    kif's Avatar
    kif is offline Member
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    You would be better off posting this in the HRT/TRT section, you'll get better information there. Either repost there, or ask a mod to move it.

  3. #3
    scorpion62's Avatar
    scorpion62 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    An Linne Rosach
    When your on TRT you dont need a PCT

  4. #4
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    My normal TRT dosage is 200 mgs of test E every 7-10 days. The only time I use an AI is during a blast of 8 weeks or so of 750 to 1000 mgs of test E. Never used Clomid or Nolva. I've been on TRT for 18+ years and I'm 51 now. The nads shrink but never had a problem in bed.
    1 ml of test a month will cause a roller coaster ride of your T levels. Visit the HRT/TRT section and you will find answers to all your questions.

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    ok what you are doing isnt tech pct. PCT is post cycle therapy .
    I would drop the clomid. And really only bloodwork will tell you if you need the A-dex

    Also i wouldnt be self prescribing yet. You need to learn more about what you are taking. Also if your dr just adjusted your dosage. I'm sure he will do bloodwork to see where your new dosage has you. So when the levels are still in the 600 range he may cut your dose more or make different changes.

    I would wait till you get dosages worked out with your doctor before you start to change anything on your own
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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