Ok so I am going to try my first cycle. What I am thinking of doing is anadrol 50. Every 2nd day for about 2-3months. From what I am reading I should have a base of test in my equation so I am wondering if viridex xt. Will suffice. I will also be adding creatine and vitamins. Also for pre workout I like to use super pump max. And then follow the workout and couple meal repla***ents with mutant mass.
Overall. I am wanting to gain lean mass in total. I realize I will get large gains off the top but as long as I can try to keep 15-10 pounds each cycle I will be content.
I am just wondering what people think I work in heavy duty construction type industry so each day is pretty much a workout.
I cannot do injectables. Reason living in to close of quarters for work so please don't just say for me to switch I have know guys before me who have done and have gotten canned for having the needles. (yes I know it's stupid but it is what it is).
If anyone wants to know I'm 6"2' 170lbs. And have been working out hard for 5 years highest weight I have ever been is 180. And now my weight fluctuates so much even though I eat everything in sight.
If anyone has some answers or ideas or w/e please feel free. I have done a lot of reading and talked to a few who have done the same as I am wanting to do, but I am still always looking to hear and learn more. Thanks.