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Thread: Question about first cycle.

  1. #1

    Question about first cycle.

    Ok so I am going to try my first cycle. What I am thinking of doing is anadrol 50. Every 2nd day for about 2-3months. From what I am reading I should have a base of test in my equation so I am wondering if viridex xt. Will suffice. I will also be adding creatine and vitamins. Also for pre workout I like to use super pump max. And then follow the workout and couple meal repla***ents with mutant mass.
    Overall. I am wanting to gain lean mass in total. I realize I will get large gains off the top but as long as I can try to keep 15-10 pounds each cycle I will be content.
    I am just wondering what people think I work in heavy duty construction type industry so each day is pretty much a workout.
    I cannot do injectables. Reason living in to close of quarters for work so please don't just say for me to switch I have know guys before me who have done and have gotten canned for having the needles. (yes I know it's stupid but it is what it is).
    If anyone wants to know I'm 6"2' 170lbs. And have been working out hard for 5 years highest weight I have ever been is 180. And now my weight fluctuates so much even though I eat everything in sight.
    If anyone has some answers or ideas or w/e please feel free. I have done a lot of reading and talked to a few who have done the same as I am wanting to do, but I am still always looking to hear and learn more. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    22 is too young to be running a cycle man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    an anadrol only cycle is not a good idea. using it ever 2nd day isnt correct. And if your working construction the pumps will make work prob impossible. your viridex xt is not test and will not help.

    your going to have to learn to eat more to gain. if you dont you will not keep anything after cycle.

    Its just a bad cycle and idea all the way around
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Regardless of age, you clearly ain't eating right your very very light for your height

    Can you post your diet for a typical day, and be honest

    If you cycle with poor diet you will simply lose your gains when you finish and drop back to same weight you are now


    Gix you type to fast

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    Too young, too skinny for any sort of cycle.

    Im not talking shit here man but you clearly don't understand how it all works. You need to educate yourself on steroid usage otherwise you're going to mess yourself up. Read the stickies, lots of good info.

    BTW... viridex xt wont do anything to help you. When your on gear, your body stops making its own testosterone. Test boosters dont do squat to begin with but lets say they did work, if you arent producing any test then what test is it going to boost?

    Please read before trying anything, for your own good. Check out the nutrition section too. Lots of good tips on how to eat to gain mass.

  6. #6
    I will try to toss up some pics of typical supper for me. Normally I have 2/3 to the same amount for Btwn bfast and lunch. Then lunch is normally another full meal. And lunch to super is typically the same as in the morning. The only thing I somewhat skip is bfast. Normally I have 2 thermose of coffee and some fruit. Or I will eat a little of my lunch. Typically I eat a lot of pasta's and carbs. Meats. Some veggies depending.
    This is one of the reasons anadrol was appealing to me is that it is used as a gainer for medical reasons. If you guys think half a tab would be better than a full I am willing to do that.
    If it makes a difference I am closer to 23 than 22. Lol. Yes it sounds petty but form what I have read it does make a diff.
    Also I have taken novadex xt on and off for years when I pea weight it is when I am working out and eating like a truck while using novadex xt.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you need to eat. I eat about 6 times a day.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Post macros for meals and total for day

    If you don't know this then I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that your short by quite a bit

  9. #9
    Exact percentages no I don't know off hand. But I eat healthy almost every meal has every food group. Drink lots of milk. Don't eat garbage foods haven't been to mickyD's in 2 years if not more. Don't have much use for chips. Have occasional chocolate. Been trying to add more salad and greens into diet. Normally lots of carbs and lots of protines.

    The snack I am eating now is a large bowl of noodles. Already had a glass of milk and water. And in an hour or bit more I will have a plate full of shepherd's pie. All healthy stuff.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by mytruck
    Exact percentages no I don't know off hand. But I eat healthy almost every meal has every food group. Drink lots of milk. Don't eat garbage foods haven't been to mickyD's in 2 years if not more. Don't have much use for chips. Have occasional chocolate. Been trying to add more salad and greens into diet. Normally lots of carbs and lots of protines.

    The snack I am eating now is a large bowl of noodles. Already had a glass of milk and water. And in an hour or bit more I will have a plate full of shepherd's pie. All healthy stuff.
    Milk shepards pie and noodles aren't the stable of a good diet

    In fact I wouldn't include any of the above in mine

    You need to have a look around in the nutrition section and read a few threads stickys etc

    The fact that you don't follow macros or have no understanding of them tells me that your not getting anywhere the nutrients required to grow

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I am 6'2 was once 160 at 23yrs old... I am now 27 been training and eating right for 4-5 years and am 220 at 12-13%bf and am only now on my first cycle of aas... point being u eat right and wait a couple more years training hard and u will make great gains naturally....

  12. #12
    ok I'm going to be real blunt; i haven't decided yet i have the anadrol; what i am contemplating is splitting the pills and running a 25mg 4week cycle to give it a shot. I will DEFF read the nutrition section because i don't pay for my food i just order it so having w/e is required makes no impact on me. if i do decide to try splitting or running a 4week on 50's, what are most common signs that ok you f-d up get off it early. what i was also planning on doing was chewing the tab therefor allowing it to be ingested orally but breaking down in my mouth and going directly into blood stream.
    (this is know is better than breaking down in liver because it is the same with all types of pills and they still work)
    anyone willing to help me out? because no offence don't do it and wait are hard when you know people who are doing the cycle and are same body type as you and you are watching their results... while you still look like a string bean...

  13. #13
    if anyone has any diff ideas or other things that i should look at, that would be better suited for me. please lets hear; (remember as stated injections are not an option for me at this point in my career)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    with your diet and no injections then you arent in ready for steroids.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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