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  1. #1
    ml87's Avatar
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    add nolvadex to current cycle?

    currently running test c 600 ew 1-8, 800 ew 9-12. winnie 50mg wk 9-12. arimidex .5mg eod.
    I'm in week 7 of the cycle and last week i started feeling tenderness in my right nipple and a little ball behind it. i am currently taking .5mg arimidex eod since day 14. should i add the nolvadex protocol to the cycle until it goes away or should i drop the arimidex and supplement with nolva? so far I've been stacking the two for about a week but from researching my decision, I've been finding conflicting opinions. thanks guys!

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if your gyno started while you're already on adex, i think you'll have to add on the nolva, and not decrease the adex.

    you've been using both together for a wk now? and no improvement of the gyno? what dose nolva are you taking?

    you may also want to consider sticking to the current dose for test c and not bump it up on wk9, till you get this settled.

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Armidex has always worked for me with any tenderness in the nips. I would try cutting the dose and going at it ed. Maybe bump it slightly higher for a few days. And see if u notice a difference...

    Why are u upping test towards end of cycle? Completely not nexessary... Just keep it the same threw out. Blood levels and everything are going to change and then bam your off it onto pct. just maintaint the 600 mgs......

  4. #4
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would increase the dex dosage as mentioned above and look for changes. If nothing changes then you should exercise the idea of introducing the Nolva.

  5. #5
    ml87's Avatar
    ml87 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm very prone to gyno. i even have it on my Dr. charts from when i was 14, he mentioned to keep an eye on it. i had surgery in 2010. in the past week the pain has tapered but the ball is still there, I'm taking 40mg ed for now until it goes away then ill just to 20mg ed for another 2 weeks. yea, i was going to hold off on the increase until the gyno was under control. thanks bro

  6. #6
    ml87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Armidex has always worked for me with any tenderness in the nips. I would try cutting the dose and going at it ed. Maybe bump it slightly higher for a few days. And see if u notice a difference...

    Why are u upping test towards end of cycle? Completely not nexessary... Just keep it the same threw out. Blood levels and everything are going to change and then bam your off it onto pct. just maintaint the 600 mgs......
    i wanted to take it easy with the arimidex because in the past, higher dosage has caused libido loss for me. I'm upping the test after week 8 because from what I've experienced/read, gains seem to stay put at around week 8 and by upping the dose it causes a continuation of gains. thanks, maybe ill stay at 600 if gyno doesn't change.

  7. #7
    ml87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    I would increase the dex dosage as mentioned above and look for changes. If nothing changes then you should exercise the idea of introducing the Nolva.
    i figure that the dex would prevent future growth but not destroy recent growth. i understand that the nolva will not only nip it at the bud, but will also help get rid of the current gyno.

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