How would you run 3 bottles of test cyp 250 and 2 bottles of tren e 100 this will be my 4th cycle im 29yrs old 8% bf and weight is 170
How would you run 3 bottles of test cyp 250 and 2 bottles of tren e 100 this will be my 4th cycle im 29yrs old 8% bf and weight is 170
Dose anyone have an answer? I was thinkin 500 mgs of test a wk and 250 mgs of tren a wk since its my first time with tren
Are they all 10ml bottles?
Yes they are all 10ml bottles
What were you previous cycles and gains?
My last 2 cycles were bout 4 yrs ago 1 was 600mgs of test enanthate and 300 mgs of deca a week for 10wks gains were bout 14lbs the cycle before that was 500mgs of test cyp a week for 12 weeks gains were around 10lbs keep in mind that was 4 yrs ago ive also ran dbol alone at 40mgs a day for 7wks
Can anyone give me a straight answer ive asked this question twice now and have eithet gotten a bullshit run around or nothing at all so an educated answer would be appreciated rather than someone takin a shot in the dark and just guessing
well sorry buddy just trying to get info to better help you for instance if you had good results before dont change the previous cycle find out your history your not ready for tren i had to see how many mls you have to see how long and what dosage you could run another for instance if you ran 400mg per week of tren you have enough for 5 weeks but since im wasting your time why dont you research it lay it out and get feed back sorry for the bullshit run around
Last edited by Capebuffalo; 06-05-2012 at 01:07 PM.
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