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Thread: Test C & Uni Stan 50 - running together first cycle

  1. #1

    Test C & Uni Stan 50 - running together first cycle

    Hello All,

    Great forum! My STATS are:
    34 years old
    Working out for a bout 4 years -
    Weigh about 173 - 5,6 in height.
    I'm happy with my size but would like to get more cuts and finally get rid of that lil pouch in my abs. I hear taking STAN alone is no good so running it with test cypionate seemed to be the way to go. My question is for a beginer what amounts should I mix together? I dont want to bulk up too much more but want to do the cycle right. I wanted to take the lowest dosage which from reading around seems to be about 250 mg a week for test.

    I'm currently dieting doing Cardio 2 times a week for a hour 3 times a week lifting with some cardio in between. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    This is where Im at now:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo (5).JPG 
Views:	563 
Size:	426.4 KB 
ID:	123607

  2. #2
    Anybody? I will keep searching the forum for an answer on this stack and what I want to accomplish - Please help!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I personally would recommend cutting down more with a proper diet and training alone. 2 days a week of cardio is not sufficient IMO for fat loss.

    What does your current diet look like?

  4. #4
    Right now I'm eating my 3 healthy meals a day - no bad carbs after 6 and no snacking at night. I was 180 got down to 170 - I feel good, that Im making good progress but wanted to take it to that next level. I really want to get more cuts and abs to start showing. Its sometimes more cardio since I swim on weekends, play basket ball but wanted to just put up what i have been doing in the gym.
    My fear is losing muscle from dieting - and bulking up to much from the test - I thought taking the test with stan/winnie would be the best solution.
    thanks for your reply man!

  5. #5
    Running test and Winnie together first cycle. I hear it's good and bad. Looking to get a lil bigger but main objective is to cut faster. Any suggestion on how much to run on each?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by erocafeller420 View Post
    Right now I'm eating my 3 healthy meals a day - no bad carbs after 6 and no snacking at night. I was 180 got down to 170 - I feel good, that Im making good progress but wanted to take it to that next level. I really want to get more cuts and abs to start showing. Its sometimes more cardio since I swim on weekends, play basket ball but wanted to just put up what i have been doing in the gym.
    My fear is losing muscle from dieting - and bulking up to much from the test - I thought taking the test with stan/winnie would be the best solution.
    thanks for your reply man!
    You need to eat mor frequently to keep your metabloism going. Eat less more often. Try 6 small meals a day. You should head over to the nutrition section before you start the cycle. They can help you put together a good diet to reach your goals naturally.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    your not going to see any physical changed from the winny unless you are leaner before you start it.

    its sound like you need to work on your diet more and up the cardio.

    With your bf% you can easily drop fat and not loose muscle.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Thanks for all the tips - Im going to work on my diet and cardio before starting this cycle. Once I get my BF lower, will the STACK I mentioned be a good first cycle?

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