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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Boca Raton,FL

    First cycle

    Alright I am 22 6ft 195 working out for a solid 3-4 years. I am going to be starting my first cycle and I want to make sure I am doing it right. I have 2 bottle of Sustanon 250. I will be doing 500mg a week. Should I be shooting EOD or twice a week I was think 125 mg EOD. MY diet is good. 12 WEEK CYCLE. SHOULD I MIX ANYTHING IN DECCA EQ? TEST I HEAR DOING REDEARCH IS GOOD TO RUN ALONENFIRST CYCLE. ARIMIDEX WHILE ON ASWELL?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    You're TO young AND HAVE NO idea WHAT TO RUN for pct OR AN AI. THIS IS A recipe FOR disaster. I love CAPSLOCK.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Boca Raton,FL
    I am researching my pct as anyone else wood also i dont care about my grammer on this website. I am asking you why my ai is wrong and information on a pct. I have a good test blend from a reputable source. Can you at least give me that infor? Test or test cyp better to run or something it has all three and i was possible going ot run eod of twice a week. Also why is this a disaster? A good pct should revamp my system or no?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    No you're to young. Have you read the stickies? You have a lot more research to do to.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Well your test levels are through the roof and normally don't drop till your around 25. Were simply saying wait a few years and learn how this stuff works. This isn't a game and its not all about getting big. First thing is not hurting yourself and getting big second. It's not the other way around or you'll get hurt. I was in your same shoes. I thought I knew it all untill I got nutritional help and waited intill I was 25. I put on tons of muscle cuz I had no idea how bad my diet was. Everyone thinks their diet is good untill they get help. Trust me I'm so glad I did it that way and I advise you to do the same.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    First off you are to young to do a cycle , apart from this you say your diet is sorted you are six feet and 88kg by the looks of things there is a lot more could be done with your diet post your diet in the nutrition section and see where that takes you first , there is plenty of time for you to do a cycle give yourself another three years at least that way your HPTA will be fully developed , go to the PCT section and check that out to ,look for the thread swifto put up about AI and have a read before you do any cycle you should know all about these things and have them in place before you would start any cycle

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