So here it is current cycle test e 600mg/wk and tren e 300mg/wk (blend) adex .5mg Ed. Currently wk 5. Experiencing sides in the form of just feeling rough all around ie. concentration nil, depression etc... Been experiencing this for about 1 1/2 wk. sixth cycle never had sides with any others. I've never used adex on cycle before and to boot I have been shitty at taking it regularly just a bunch of stuff going on for me plus the sides. I've fixed that and have been taking the adex regularly now sinc Monday and feelig a bit better. Could this be from the irregularity of adex dosing? I'm on the ball now so Im hoping this fixes it. If not any suggestions? I was planning this cycle for 10wk, now maybe 8 or if this continues start pct and drop the cycle? Past substances used test e and cyp. Eq, deca, dbol, var, tbol. Never done any 1 substance above 500mg/wk. (not counting that I've stacked 2 at 500 each)
Thanks for suggestions fellas