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Thread: Please help test e/deca/anadrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Where to begin? One your way to young for aas. Number two you are 145 lbs and have no idea how to eat. Number three this an absolute bad first cycle!! What you should do is hit up the buffet and throw on some size.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Yes change everything to 0 mg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by hnij View Post
    I've been eating 4500 calories a day I can dead 365 bench 225 squat 275 but I can't gain weight I'm going to take aas so I would appreciate some suggestions
    see a doctor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    just start small if you feel you absolutely gotta start but at 18 you havent built the foundation to use gear you should float around here & read some of the threads in here , theres a long list of regrets and the common denominator is they started way to young n jacked up there system now regretful n stuck on test repla***ent therapy . gear IS NOT THE KEY TO BEING BIG , i see plenty of screamers in the gym who get cut down by two wheels on the bench who use gear we all know these jokers , i was 26 years old n had been hitting the weight deck since i was 18 when i hit my first cycle of 7 weeks of 1 anadrol50 5 pills a week on workout days n i use bench as an example but i was stuck at 335 n that 7 weeks put my bench up 50lbs cuz i was ready but if i started at 18 when i could hit 135 one ****ing time how do you think that woulda went? who knows but that 8 years of learning & earning was what made the diff , work hard for that shit now n it will pay off later you might even say **** the gear n be glan you dident risk it but at 18 how will you ever know

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Ok so you want people here to give you advice about only what you want to hear, you already know everyone is gonna jump on you for your age but your still immature enough to try and ask for help. You know what there's so much I would love to say right now I could go on for hours just tearing your ass up with all the stupidity and immaturity your displaying right now! Im not going to waste my time though because it will probably just end with you acting like all the other punk ass know it all tweens that come here. However I have a soft spot for misguided youth that get bunk info from dickhead trash that linger at there gym feeding them retarded dribble because they know the young are the only ones to inexperienced to read thru there pathetic attempts at sounding intelligent! So with all that being said I truly hope you prove me wrong and WISE THE FVCK UP!!!
    Last edited by bigga4068; 06-07-2012 at 03:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Your gonna mess up your junk, don't listen to knuckle heads at the gym, OH I have been doing it for yrs and no problems, Have you actually talked to anyone in there 40's or older?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by hnij View Post
    I've been eating 4500 calories a day I can dead 365 bench 225 squat 275 but I can't gain weight I'm going to take aas so I would appreciate some suggestions
    Would you post your diet?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Not for a 1st cycle bro.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Put it this way I'm
    been training for well into 16 years currently doing my 6th cycle. I basically using exactly what you want to but at half the dose and I still had some hiccups along the way so far. One I had to get advice from the guys here and the others I knew what to do.but it was my experience and knowledge that allowed me to know something was going wrong which you don't have. Ive been training over 4times as long as you have I'm almost twice your size and like I said using half the dose and still feel this is a pretty intense cycle. So even regardless of your age this is way go drastic of a cycle to start with. If you had a stock car you just bought would your go slap nitrous on it right away? No you wud alot of little mods to it first. Ya thats a stupid comparison but I think it paints the picture. Do the right thing for urself bro. At a minimum try what the vets will recommend if it don't work you can always resort back to your bad plan right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Just curious bro and don't think I'm trying to slam you here man that's not my intentions at all. I'm just trying to really get the point across of how bad this could turn out for ya but my question is where did you get the idea to run this cycle from?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Would you post your diet?
    Please post everything you have eaten and will eat today. Your diet is in question. Food is the most anabolic thing you can take. Why do people not understand this. Want to gain 10 lbs? Post your diet.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by hnij View Post
    What would you say is best for the first cycle
    To be 25 or older.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    see a doctor.
    x2. Jumping into steroids is not a good fix. You could have problems with your thyroid. Or you could just by lying to us and yourself about how many calories you are getting.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    If you are legit eating 4500 cals a day and are not growing at 140 pounds.. There has to be something wrong.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012
    By hiccups I mean some problems I was having example is I was having the little annoying headaches that I never experienced before but because I have spent lots of time researching I had read some where of people having this problem while cycling I just couldnt remember why. So i hit up the guys here and they told mr to check my bp. I did and it was drastically elevated they made some recommendations. I went back over my plan to double check everything and discovered I had calculwted my water intake wrong. I didnt realize my jug I carry everywhere was thr size it was so I was taking in almost 4 gallons of water a day. If you think about it such a simple oversite that alot wouldnt think would be that big of a deal, drinking to much water, turned into being something that potentially couldve been very severe. The fix was easy and a couple days later everything was good but still could have gone a different route. Moral of the story is its easy to make mistakes even when you bave a very detailed and scripted plan. What you need to do is put yourself in a position to optimize your gains while minimizing the risks. Unfortunately for you right now that means not using gear but I gaurantee if you heed the advice here about diet and training alone you will make great gains naturally that you never expected to be ablr to make.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2012
    My first cycle was at 25 and this just hsppened by luck because I never knew about alot of this stuff. Didnt have or knoe about the resources available to me like this site. At the advice of my source I took deca/test e 250mgs ew. Was the wrong thing to do my body never had time to adjust to all thr oil based compounds I was taking and I broke out with worst case of acne I ever seen and it happened so fast. One day had a cpl zits and pimples on my chest and shoulders within a week it spread to covering my entire chest and shoulders. I was training mma at the time and had to stop training til I got it under control because it was so painful. Now 6 yrs later I have scars all over the affected area that will never go away. Like I said this happened because bsd advice from my source and didnt know anything so your ahead of me in that respect but ya hwve to take advantage of your position and listen to the advice.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I agree with everyone else here your a little young to start up AAS, but if your going to do anyways please do not take Deca, the test alone will screw you up enough. And just so you know if you take the Test at your age and your not eating proper you will still weigh 145lbs when done, also you should know there Is a VERY good chance that your pecker won't get hard when you want it to. So just think you do this and 6 months down the road you hook up with a hottie and your junk won't work, well you'll be known in your circle of friends as well, pick a name. There's plenty. Get my drift

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Even with good pct the damage can still be done the thing that blinds alot of kids your age is your body producing high amounts of test naturally. So what happens is you comr off cycle you do your pct get your LH and FSH and everything else going again and because your were producing high amounts prior now after your producing normal ranges then as you get older little by little every year your test levels start to drop until it drops so low your libido disappears you stop producing baby makers well lower the amounts your making. So the fact that your friends appear to be finr and back to normal now doesnt mean anything know what i mean?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Im not saying this is concrete and that no matter what thats whats gonna happen i am saying that for those that use AAS at an early age this is whwt happens to them no not everyone of them but the thing is theres no way to be able to know or prevent it. The only thing you can do is sit back and wait as time passes to see what happens. For me having such lack of control over my life is a risk Im not willing to take just so that I can add some muscle in a shorter period of time. This is what I mean by optimizing your gains while minimizing the risks and if you just wait a few more years you drastically change the odds more in your favor.

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