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Thread: First cycle Test Cyp

  1. #1

    First cycle Test Cyp

    Hey everyone...I am new to this forum so first of all thanks for taking the time for some feedback. I am going to start my first cycle after months of research. I wanted to get some feedback on what you all think. First of all let me start with my stats:

    30 years old
    6 ft 3"
    194 lbs
    BF % 13.5

    I've been working out for almost a year but have always been in decent shape until packing on an extra 25 pounds sitting on my ass after college. I have worked hard at dropping the body fat / weight and getting in shape to do this cycle. I eat very good (5-7 meals a day) and have actually gained a few pounds since I have been hitting the gym hard in the past 4-6 months. Here is what my first cycle looks like. Any input would be great:

    Week 1 - 10 Test Cyp 500mg / week (either one or two pins a week...havent decided if I want to split them up yet)
    Week 1 - 15 Femara 2.5mg E3D (similar to Arimidex but have heard great things about this drug)
    Week 4 - 9 HCG 200iu week

    Will also run HCG last week of cycle as follows:

    3000IU day one
    3000IU 5 days later
    1500IU 5 days later
    1500IU 5-7 days later then transition into PCT:


    Week 13 day 1 Clomid 200mg + Nolva 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg
    Following 10 days - Nolva 20mg

    Please let me know what you think...also if I'm running HCG from week 4-9 at 200iu per week, do I still need that large amount the last week of cycle bridging into PCT? Thanks guys!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    you can run the hcg at 250iu 2x/wk from day 1 right up till pct, including the 2wk wait. you probably dont need the blasts of high doses since you have been running it throughout your cycle.

    you probably should stick to arimidex instead of femara

    for pct, nolva and clomid for 4 wks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You will crash your estrogen with the dosing of such strong AI, not recommended. Half the proposed dose EOD would be a much safer protocol for Letro.

    HCG should be used at 250iu E3D starting from the first day of your cycle and stopped about 3-4 days before PCT to make sure the drug is cleared off of your body before starting PCT.

    PCT for this cycle: Nolvadex 40/20/20/20, Clomid 100/50/50/50

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Point blank 1 year of lifting you have no biz doing aas.You have no base pay your dues nothing in life is free.

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