Hey everyone...I am new to this forum so first of all thanks for taking the time for some feedback. I am going to start my first cycle after months of research. I wanted to get some feedback on what you all think. First of all let me start with my stats:
30 years old
6 ft 3"
194 lbs
BF % 13.5
I've been working out for almost a year but have always been in decent shape until packing on an extra 25 pounds sitting on my ass after college. I have worked hard at dropping the body fat / weight and getting in shape to do this cycle. I eat very good (5-7 meals a day) and have actually gained a few pounds since I have been hitting the gym hard in the past 4-6 months. Here is what my first cycle looks like. Any input would be great:
Week 1 - 10 Test Cyp 500mg / week (either one or two pins a week...havent decided if I want to split them up yet)
Week 1 - 15 Femara 2.5mg E3D (similar to Arimidex but have heard great things about this drug)
Week 4 - 9 HCG 200iu week
Will also run HCG last week of cycle as follows:
3000IU day one
3000IU 5 days later
1500IU 5 days later
1500IU 5-7 days later then transition into PCT:
Week 13 day 1 Clomid 200mg + Nolva 40mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg
Following 10 days - Nolva 20mg
Please let me know what you think...also if I'm running HCG from week 4-9 at 200iu per week, do I still need that large amount the last week of cycle bridging into PCT? Thanks guys!