Well the title explains it:
How many of you kept your gains after first cycle, how long before your second cycle?
Note: I'm interested in your experiences, not advice.
Well the title explains it:
How many of you kept your gains after first cycle, how long before your second cycle?
Note: I'm interested in your experiences, not advice.
Last edited by iwitbad; 06-08-2012 at 12:07 AM.
Depends on a variable amount of factorsOriginally Posted by iwitbad
Time on = time off
I'm asking about your experiences, not how to do it. I'll edit the original post.
You asked how long before your second cycle, I answered that, as far as keeping gains it was years ago, I believe I kept most.
I kept 0 gains from first cycle due to poor diet and poor pct, I had no clue what I was doing and learned the hard way
I think I jumped back on about 8 weeks later which was poor idea in hindsight because I hadnt fully recovered
time on + pct = time off is general rule and a good one at that
if you are thinking about going back on sooner then I advise you to get BW done first to see if you have actually recovered because if you havnt then you will almost certainly have problems later on due to this
I'm not sure what variables would be a factor its a pretty straight forward question factors shouldn't matter when coming off cycle you should a minimum of sametime on including pct. I did not keep much of my gains first cycle because I had no idea about pct's.
I haven't done a cycle, I'm just doing research, I like learning and AAS is one of my topic of interests.
You seem to know what you are saying. Do you mind reading my other post about using stanozolol with test for first cycle. The thread is called "Prevent damage to joints and Tendons".
Thats basicly what i do m8 one a year maybe one every 2 years i done a cycle of prop gained massively and kept my gains for about 2 years it only started faiding due to bad diet and no excercise...its like this your body will do exactly what you tell it to bud.... no protein and just bad take aways = no muscle or not alot and massive amounts of fat clean diet good protiens = lean muscle / no fat continued gains . Body building is a everyday thing you cant just take a year off because you cant be bothered its constant but becuase of this ull keep gaining!
Last edited by binsser; 06-08-2012 at 12:44 AM.
not a YEAR cycle dan 1 cycle A YEAR bud!
yeah it is m8 its 7.52 in the morning here so ive just had 9 hours lolol
ha ha ha ha you on tren then lolol
pct and in pain from injury
ok ill give it ago =
first cycle tren 750mg /sust 600mg -18 years old big mistake but whats done is done
second prop 600mg -28 good cycle knew about diet and pct so all went well
third TEST -E 500mg - 31 Cant say i liked it at all will never touch the stuff again
fourth test-p 300mg/parabolin /hgh 3ius daily/ - 33 love it , great pumps /no sides (alittle sweating) will def do again (this is now im in week 8 of 10)
there you go bud
Last edited by binsser; 06-08-2012 at 01:07 AM.
arrr hope all goes well dan bud
Last edited by binsser; 06-08-2012 at 01:08 AM.
Why didn't you like Test E?
Yeah why didn't you like test e binsser?
jabbing loads of long estered crap in your body only to have to wait six weeks for a decent result and when you do your not that happy with it only to have to finish in week 12 because you stop growing. Sides started for me it was back acne that took a year to get rid of where as before i didnt have 1 spot on my back i didnt like it from the start should have just stopped...
short esters however are a differant story they work quicker and i def get better results as well as if sides start its out of your body in days not weeks and are easyerly controlable i reckon they should give the stuff away(long esters) short esters will be the way forward for everyone soon short esters with short blast cycles after priming for a quick muscle building 6 weeks pct and continue less sides if not any, better muscle mass and quick recovery with more cycle being done a year but thats just my opinion lolol
Almost 60 % of cases on here test-e has caused the person back acne or similer problem at week 9 which was also my problem on short esters i get very little sides or to get side at all in any way i have to take tren and even then its very minimum like slightly heated and sweating thats at its max!
But everyones differant! lolol
Last edited by binsser; 06-08-2012 at 06:16 AM.
Sounds like short esters FTW!
IMO It depends on genetics, but you can keep most of what you gained if you are very careful!
diet: Needs to be sport on! no missed meal!
cortisol: Must keep under control! 1000mg of vitamin c upon waking and post workout really helps! also plenty of sleep!
Supplementation: Take 10g BCAA's before and during workouts (20g in total), and whey after! this will help protect your muscle nd has had a big impact for me in the past!
Training: Keep your lifts heavy, dont cut back on intensity! keep lifting the same weights you used while on gear, cut back on the number of days you worked out and cut back on sets, but don't cut back on intensity! I don't know were this idea of "more reps less weight on pct" came from but this is a myth! its a must to keep lifting like you were before you came off, just cut back on sets and don't ware your self out.
PCT: run proper pct! HCG will make things come back much faster and make pct much less painful!
1st cycle was 1 A-50 on workout days only so 5 a week for 7 weeks diet was arround 2500cals
(outa my control) i lost 12 lbs of fat but gained 40-50 lbs on my bench (depending on the day) and a solid inch on my arms , no pct of any kind n lost nothing but a few reps but went from 275 for sets of 5 to 275 for sets of 12 then when i was of i had 275 for sets of 9-10 again depending on how well i ate slept felt that day
ah my second was outa control 400mg test c a week anadrol n 25mg D-bol everyday i was not eating or sleeping n was a straight prick so i was actualy strong as durring but acne was just poping on my back n bleeding through shirt n my skin got so red lifting it left like a bar mark on chest like a big hicky n im not a bouncer i was in my oowerlifting faze so i was shirtless n doing a pause but the cycle off i lost 30lbs on bench kept all my deadlift n lost about 150 on squat n pissed away about 15 lbs of water weight i hated it n it was a senceless cycle
i think so but ive come to the 8 wk conclusion n i also just read a post on here today about that very thing the sling shot method but ive kept em down to sane doses n 8 weeks n ive always kept most of mine if not all but i usaly loose some but im still ahead n i have never used a pct never had em or felt a need n most of these guys in here say they find that hard to believe but its true i get no brownie points for not using pct but i dont run high n long cycles ive never had an empty beanbag ect ect but everyone is different n i know pct must help most otherwise there wouldent be such a huge emphasis on it
Last edited by rampaige77; 06-09-2012 at 02:24 AM. Reason: spelling
1st cycle for me 600mg test-e a week. Gained 20lbs. Keep it all for a year before I did a second cycle. 2nd cycle I started my cut DURING pct and lost all my gains. Expensive lesson learned.
eat eat eat eat
it also depends how large you are compared to your limit. I can't stay over 200lbs unless im on cycle no matter what training or diet. That is me passed my genetics and i need steroids to stay that size
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
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