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Thread: 200mg injection of CYP, with .5mg packets of androgel...

  1. #1

    Cool 200mg injection of CYP, with .5mg packets of androgel...

    I have low T
    I see my Dr. every 2 weeks for 200mg injection of CYP. On top of that I have a supply of Androgel .5mg packets.
    Do you think this is......A-safe.....B-I will get results other than elevating my testosterone levels to normal. I am looking for a change in physique why not try if I am already on the shit. I am 6ft 200lbs very healthy....other than low T. Also just got a 90 day supply of MRI HSP Active (Heat Shock Activator). Look up on Very good reviews and results from what I have read. Its a functional form of protein supplement. Supports muscle mass and growth. I just want to get tighter rock up a bit.. Whats the fastes easiest way to do so.....Thanks all for reading....I recommend you look up the MRI HSP...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board mate
    I don't see any value in adding in the gel. you wont' get enough test in your blood stream to come close to any cycle benefits. with trt, less is more, so just stick with the trt dose. You couuld try to talk your doc into 100mg ew instead of 200mg eow

  3. #3
    so your saying 100MG of cyp. would be more better than 200. Dont dudes who are cycling typically go like 400-600 mg of cyp a week. This case I thought more was better. Well obviously in my case not that much more, but more. I wish I could get a weekly dose of 200 instead of every other week. That way towards the end of cycle I am not crashing, its more consistent. Which may eventually happen depending where my levels are. But I dont just want to restore lost T. I want some physical benefits... Thanks for your reply cheif

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