I have low T
I see my Dr. every 2 weeks for 200mg injection of CYP. On top of that I have a supply of Androgel .5mg packets.
Do you think this is......A-safe.....B-I will get results other than elevating my testosterone levels to normal. I am looking for a change in physique why not try if I am already on the shit. I am 6ft 200lbs very healthy....other than low T. Also just got a 90 day supply of MRI HSP Active (Heat Shock Activator). Look up on fitFLEX.com. Very good reviews and results from what I have read. Its a functional form of protein supplement. Supports muscle mass and growth. I just want to get tighter rock up a bit.. Whats the fastes easiest way to do so.....Thanks all for reading....I recommend you look up the MRI HSP...