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  1. #1
    reppinplates is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Help me with an oncoming cycle

    Hey guys, I'm thinking about running my first proper cycle. Just unsure on whether to cut, bulk, ect with it for my goals.

    First up, my Stats+History

    Heigh: 5,10
    Weight: 195lb~ at about 12-13% BF as my estimate.. maybe a slight bit higher.
    Been training about 6 years, First 2 absolutely clueless and the 4 after that very dedicated! I've gained 75lb total since I began so I don't consider myself too much of a beginner.
    The only other experience I have with anabolics is a 4 week Superdrol cycle I ran late last year with very good results.

    I've got a big holiday booked for de***ber with a bunch of my mates and I'd love to be in a shredded state while I am chasing tail down at the beaches.. But I wouldn't mind adding a bit more mass first.
    Also a friend who is a pro photographer said she'd love to do a shoot of me this summer after seeing how good of shape i was in last summer.

    I'm from Australia, and I only have one source so I can't get my hands on a whole wide variety of gear. My source has Test-P, Test-E, Dbol , Anadrol and Tren available.

    I'm wondering if you guys could recommend me a cycle that I could gain some mass and be cut up come De***ber.

    I thought maybe I could run a short 6 Week Cycle of TestP/Dbol or something. Do my PCT, wait an extra few weeks on top of it before I start cutting naturally and when the progress slows or I'm getting closer to my goal date start maybe a 12 week cycle including some test/tren for 6 weeks continued cutting ect depending how close I am to my goal and then the remainder lean bulking.

    That's just an idea though, But I look to you knowledgeable people for your wisdom! So have it at me!

    Oh and
    Diet in check.
    Routine in check.
    Rest in check.
    Pct in check.


  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Hi Rep. Don't see where you need to mix compounds right now. Test alone will do wonders for you by itself along with proper nutrition aimed toward your goals. Run an AI and HCG along with it. Keep it simple, your young and should explode from it if done right!

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    agree with Kelkel. however, since you indicated your desire for a short cycle and test E has a long ester, i would look at prop for 8 wks running it eod along with an AI and HCG . this way you'll be into your pct in 3 days after last pin.

    im curious, what does your pct look like?

  4. #4
    reppinplates is offline New Member
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    I thought running just test would be a great start too. But I've had so many reccomendations to throw some d-bol in there with it from people I know.
    I might just see how I go with just the test so I can see how I respond to that and add D-bol another time.

    I'll have be using an AI for sure. If I ran the short mass cycle for only 6 weeks would it be worth using HCG ?
    I'll definately use it in the longer cycle closer to my due date.

    PCT would probably look something like

    Clomid: 100/100/50/50
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    Most likely will increase PCT length for the longer cycle near years end. This PCT was more than enough when I ran SD last year. So I think for the shorter cycle this is enough.

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Running test by itself will yield awesome results. No reason at your age to anything else. As mentioned, run an ai and hcg alongside.

  6. #6
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Dbol = Bloat... you don't want bloat right? You'll see/feel results from the Prop right away so again... no need for dbol to kickstart any gains. Plus... If your running a short cycle, say 6-8 weeks... by the end, you'll still have some of that water weight/bloat on that you don't want with the dbol. I'd say run test prop but brace yourself for getting used to the painful injections. It aint nothing though. You'll learn to work through it once you see the quick results. And if Dexxxber means De***ber, then I'd recommened waiting until late October to begin your cycle. If Its that far off... I'd recommened Test E as a first cycle, 12 weeks. Shots don't hurt and its a nice long period for you to practice the good habits that you say you already have. Better introduction to AAS in my opinion.

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    good call on dropping the d-bol. running test to see how you respond is always prudent for a first cycle.

    it's always worth using hcg on cycle anytime you shut yourself down..which means anytime you introduce AAS into your system.

    and your pct looks may consider dropping second wk of clomid to 50 depending on how you feel.

    good luck this De***ber..

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You will hear all kinds of advice from people who claim to know wat they are doing.But you will get good advice here beacuse if someone messes up.We will call him out on it.

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