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Thread: I am about to start my cycle and i need help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Florida, USA

    Exclamation I am about to start my cycle and i need help

    I am about to start my cycle of deca , sust 250, and winny and im not sure of when to start my nolvadex . i also have clomid and would like any suggestions on when to take that as well.

    deca 300mg a week

    sust250 500mg a week

    and winny 100mg a day ( i was thinking of holding off on the winny till week 6 of injections and starting my eca stack as well) any suggestions?

    my stats are

    age: 23
    height: 5'8
    weight: 170
    BF %: 14 or 15%

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Western Australia
    Too young.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Seems like you're trying to bulk and cut in the same cycle. I would choose either one or the other. Just my opinion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Florida, USA
    so i if i just wanted to cut and not bulk use the winny and sust?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    first cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Florida, USA
    i did one in high school. only deca cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by wnowell34 View Post
    i did one in high school. only deca cycle
    Wow. You need to hold off do research then research some more. You obviously haven't run a pct because your asking about it. Hold off

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Florida, USA
    i understand that the clomid is to be ran after cycle but what about the nolvadex? i know you run that through out the cycle but i want to know the doasage i should be taking for what i will be cycling.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I take nolva during my cycle at 10mgs ew and then again during pct at the normal dosages. I can do this without taking an ai like arimidex because I have done enough cycles and had the experience to know how my body is going to respond. If you do not know however you should forget the nolva during cycle and stick with a good ai. Also run your pct like this
    The cycle of test deca and winstrol is a good cutting cycle in my opinion because the nature of how deca works, low estrogenic effects. Do like you had planned run ur test then week 2 incorporate your deca then week 6 start your winstrol. I would want to run the deca and whinny so that just before the deca cuts out the whinny is kicking in and then just run your test the whole way thru.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wait I over looked your stats and thought you were 26 not 23. Your right on the edge bro could be risky running a cycle like this at your age. Have you had bw done in the past at all? If you have and can say thru those that your natural test has leveled off then you could be ok to run a cycle but still not this cycle. You said you did a cycle in HS but that it? IMO you don't have the experience and your body hasn't adjusted enough to justify running deca no matter what your bw says. So with positive results indicating leveled off test production at most I would just run the sustanon. Also go read up and learn what each one of these compounds are your sticking into your body. Its cool to come here and ask for dosing recommendations but not when you know nothing about the product first.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Why would you want to put something in your body that you know nothing about? You are to young your knowledge needs a lot of work.Come back in 2yrs and I will test you.Beacuse you aint ready.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Florida, USA
    well dam this sucks, i guess i wont be taking it anytime soon. I just placed another order of 200 50 mg winnys 2 days ago. but if everyone is telling me not to take it because i am to young then i guess im not. i see kids that i know are younger than me sauced outta there minds. maybe they know more than me? im just trying to do it right if i am going to do it. ive never used PCT during or after and im just trying to do it right, i mean i have it so why not use it. correctly of course

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You also see all kinds of people using meth but you wouldn't use it right? I know that's a drastic comparison bit effective. Basically there's no way foe you to use AAS correctly right now regardless of dosages and pct and oct. Unless you were to get all the bw done that will show you your natural test production has leveled off but frankly unless you have a cool dr or lots of money your not gonna be able to get that done.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by wnowell34 View Post
    well dam this sucks, i guess i wont be taking it anytime soon. I just placed another order of 200 50 mg winnys 2 days ago. but if everyone is telling me not to take it because i am to young then i guess im not. i see kids that i know are younger than me sauced outta there minds. maybe they know more than me? im just trying to do it right if i am going to do it. ive never used PCT during or after and im just trying to do it right, i mean i have it so why not use it. correctly of course
    I see those youngsters too. None of em are going pro or even amatuer for that matter. I wonder if they think about the future and if they want kids and a wife or girlfriend that doesn't cheat cause they can't get it up to satisfy them.
    Don't concern yourself w/other people. Take care of you as no one else will do it for you.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wnowell34
    well dam this sucks, i guess i wont be taking it anytime soon. I just placed another order of 200 50 mg winnys 2 days ago. but if everyone is telling me not to take it because i am to young then i guess im not. i see kids that i know are younger than me sauced outta there minds. maybe they know more than me? im just trying to do it right if i am going to do it. ive never used PCT during or after and im just trying to do it right, i mean i have it so why not use it. correctly of course
    200 50mg winny tabs would last 11 weeks at 100mgs/day. Sounds like you ordered way too much. Personally I think that is an excessively high dose, especially for someone with no experience with this compound. I've never exceeded 50 mgs/day orally or 75mgs/day via injection.

    I'd suggest listening to others that are telling you to wait. So much can be achieved naturally before going this route. And by going further naturally you will accomplish more once you do start gear as well. But, you ran a deca only cycle at a point in your life when you really shouldn't have. You could have cause serious developmental issues due to doing something when you didn't understand the repercussion. Did you grow any in height since that cycle ended? How about filling out? Broadening of the chest and shoulders, etc? Still have a strong sex drive? All serious questions because you easily could have stunted your growth and destroyed your bodies ability to produce adequate levels of testosterone with your high school experiment.

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