I am thinking of adding 100mg of Anavar to the last three weeks of my cycle. What are your thoughts on this? what benefits would I get?
Current cycle 600 test e, 400 Deca, 3iu hgh ed.
I am 41yo 190 lbs, 17%bf 5'9"
I am thinking of adding 100mg of Anavar to the last three weeks of my cycle. What are your thoughts on this? what benefits would I get?
Current cycle 600 test e, 400 Deca, 3iu hgh ed.
I am 41yo 190 lbs, 17%bf 5'9"
I would do 50mg for 6 weeks instead.
Why do you say that? I have the gear to stretch my cycle out a few more weeks. What do you think the benefits would be?
and your thought process as to why at the end and not the beginning?
.....just curious
split into twice a day is preferred.....
you would still get a good strenth increase with 50mg. A dht is nice at the end of the cycle to loosen up SHBG from your other drugs, winny works well here but var should as well
No problem at all. I introduced Var and T3 for the last 4 weeks of my current cycle. However, I would feel aspirin before I felt anything off of 50mg. Try 60 +. I'm currently on 100mg ed.
Is there much point to Var at high bf? I love it myself but what good is it if you cant see it? apart from strength
Hey man, Im also in Tampa. Just signed up for this forum. Did you get good results with Anavar? PM me.
Did you get good results with Anavar? PM me.
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