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  1. #1
    8 pac is offline New Member
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    (First thread) test e deca dbol proviron

    My stats age 26 height 6" weight 180lbs I been training off and on since high school but consistently for the last 2 years this will be my second cycle my first was a fail I did a sust 250 dbol cycle I ended up getting sick on pct and i just about lost all my gains. That I had not planned for so now I am considering doing this:

    Test e 1-12 600mg split into 2 injections
    Deca 1-10 400 mg split into 2 injections
    D-Bol 1-4 40mg/day
    Proviron 6-12 50mg/day

    For liver support I will run live 52 throughout the cycle

    Hcg 250 iu's x 2 per week

    For pct I was going to run "nolvadex "as I brought bulk when I got my hands on it for my last cycle, I been reading it doesn't work well with deca so what are your views on tweaking this cycle I have only been reading mixed reviews so any help will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    4 compounds on a second cycle? someone more wiser than I once said you should grow into your cycle and not try to take everything available. Additionally, orals are tough on the liver, I think you know that by the way you are trying to space it out. but you are running one oral or the other for 10 weeks. A little excessive for a second cycle as well. Additionally, you are going to take a full gram a week? Seems rather much.
    I'm sitting here scratching my head. Why would you take two new compounds you've never taken before? Weeks 6 through 10 is my point. If something goes wrong and you get some kind of reaction, is it due to the deca or the prov? you won't know since you've no experience with either.
    Personally, I think you are really overdoing it. Only 2 years in the gym this last time, and already this huge cycle? Why is that? Have you already plateaud? Is your diet dialed in? Bet it's not if you feel the need for all these chemicals.
    You should go over to the nutrition section and post your diet, including macros per meal and total macros per day, along with your TDEE so we can bench mark against it. You will get some good advice on improving your input.

    I just think you are jumping the gun abit mate.
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    Welcome to the board mate!
    4 compounds on a second cycle? someone more wiser than I once said you should grow into your cycle and not try to take everything available. Additionally, orals are tough on the liver, I think you know that by the way you are trying to space it out. but you are running one oral or the other for 10 weeks. A little excessive for a second cycle as well. Additionally, you are going to take a full gram a week? Seems rather much.
    I'm sitting here scratching my head. Why would you take two new compounds you've never taken before? Weeks 6 through 10 is my point. If something goes wrong and you get some kind of reaction, is it due to the deca or the prov? you won't know since you've no experience with either.
    Personally, I think you are really overdoing it. Only 2 years in the gym this last time, and already this huge cycle? Why is that? Have you already plateaud? Is your diet dialed in? Bet it's not if you feel the need for all these chemicals.
    You should go over to the nutrition section and post your diet, including macros per meal and total macros per day, along with your TDEE so we can bench mark against it. You will get some good advice on improving your input.

    I just think you are jumping the gun abit mate.
    Good luck!
    Take his advice lol he said everything that 5 people would normally tell you

  4. #4
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012
    Listen to Roman bro the guy knows his stuff and gives great positive ethical advice. I also agree your over doing it like stated before grow into your dose not the other way around. Don't just jump into a bunch of new compounds you have never done all in the same cycle. Doing so is just setting yourself up for failure plus don't you want to maximize the effectiveness of your gear?
    Last edited by bigga4068; 06-09-2012 at 09:02 PM.

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