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Thread: test propinate dosage middle of cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum

    test propinate dosage middle of cycle

    hello i have been a lurker for a few years , reading more so then longing on and asking the same question over and over. as there are years of great info to read and answer many questions.

    ok enough about me.

    i was in week 5 of test e only cycle at 700mg a week, i had to fly last minute to the other side of the world. I have pharmacy grade and a script but was hesitant to fly with gear. its been 11 days since my last pin, so the half life is well on its way out the door. I JUST 2 mins ago got a source through a pro athlete friend of mine. clearly the only way from not crashing or starting trt ( wich wont work cause the pharmacy's here only have cypinate and obviously that's wont help for 5 weeks. Will be to run test prop. which i dislike for the pain not the eod shots. So if running test at 150ml eod (450mg) a week. how does that stand up to 700mg Test E ??

    Ive always been confused by the dosing of the short ester as it sounds to be low dosage = higher dose of a longer ester. Anyways ive hit a wall and need some help

    1.) is 450mg prop sufficient to carry on the end of my cycle that started with 700mg test e ( ive grown into my dosage and 700mg is my sweet spot right now but gains are slowing)

    2.) in terms of trt, how long will 75mg of cypinate 2x take to level out in the blood? aprox 4-5 weeks? I want to avoid crashing and depression.

    thanks in advance.


    lifting 16 years

    using gear for 3

    trt since De***ber.

    108 kilos , 12% bf from calips

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    bump, well i think i will run 75mg ed from self researching but would still like any feedback.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    are you normally on trt?
    But yes you can continue with the cyp also. You dont have to wait 5 weeks. Cyp and enanthate or almost identical
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    been on trt since dec.

    so cyp will just piggy back and plasma levels stay the same? i didnt know that... fml , big thanks.

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