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Thread: 1st Cycle Help

  1. #1
    jcevans7 is offline Junior Member
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    Talking 1st Cycle Help

    I will start with my stats, 26 years old, been working out 6 years, wt. 190lbs ht 5'8 about 13.4 bf I take a multivitamin, fish oil, amino's, l-glutamate, creatine (but almost finished).

    Excited to finally do my first cycle. Up until recently I was set on running clen /winny depot with clomid as my PCT. After giving it thought and trying to look out what will be best for me. I want to do a test cycle as I read I should for my first. My delimema is that I'm in Afghanistan. I will be able to dedicate 10 weeks maybe 11 before I have to leave for transist and go back to the states. Seems like Clen/Winny I could do about a 8 week cycle and be finished with my PCT before I leave. I'm doubt I would get my PCT through customs, thats why I want to be done, DONE!

    I am still interested in Test though, so many to read up on but Tren and Test E/P are what I've read the most about. Tren is pretty expensive it seems, but offers low chance of gyno, and also packs on without water weight. Is it possible to run a 8-10 week cycle and finish the PCT if I leave Afghan? I want to be leveled out on natural test when I get home, as I don't think the wifey would appreciate a 10 month deployment and low sex drive at the end. lol Looking for advice, cause I'm just not that experienced yet, everyone on here seems really knowledgeable.

    End Statement. My goal is to lower my bf, that being said fitness is a lifestyle not just a look or numbers you lift. Best way to burn fat is to add muscle but I am not looking to add 10+lbs. Thank you for the help


  2. #2
    jcevans7 is offline Junior Member
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    One last thing to add. I am on a time crunch, I leave in 4 days won't be back till July on this mission. So I want to get my order in before I return so I can just get back into it. I will have a TRX system to maintain what I can when I'm not out on another F**K**G side of a mountain is this rat piss country.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just back from Afghanistan myself mate. Tren is real hard to find, and when you do, it's $150 for 75mg/ml 10ml vial. But the good news is that test e is everywhere, and deca almost as plentiful. Never found any test P. I personally sent home a bunch of "inventory" as things are hard to get back in Cali, and at these prices. No matter what you'll be doing, you will be PCT'ing for your trip home, and the associated sides that go with that as well. Cia helps, but still doesn't make up for a low libido.
    You may consider doing the same as me, sending the inventory home, if it doesn't put you at too much risk, and then starting the cycle there.
    as far as pct, this gear is practically non existant in Trashghanistan. So i'd suggest waiting until the timing is right.
    my .02

  4. #4
    jcevans7 is offline Junior Member
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    Yah, I figured this is my window for some time, as when I get back I have dive school and free fall after that. My schedule is easy to PT back in the rear but not dedicate myself like I can now. Feel into a lucky LNO position out here and living the life with POGS. I don't know how I would ship it back. One of the docs said he could get me a prescription bottle with a label on it so I can get my PCT through customs and not worry. P.S. Welcome back this place sucks more than Iraq did.

    Do you think a first cycle of test e for 10 weeks is enough to get it fully in my system? (Maybe jump start with some d-bol) Does the Clen /Winny sound like a bust out here? it would be much easier to keep up with the crossfit fags to over weighting on a bench/free weights all the time. ah... It's just a hard deceision, an my first time to make it. I just don't want the wrong one. Thanks for the $.02 I'll take it.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    if all you have is ten weeks, there is some sust out there, which contains some P (75mg/ml) in the mix. It would give you a better kick start, and you could front load for two weeks to offset the lost two weeks at the end of a long esther 12 week cycle. but if you cant' gget your hands on pct gear, then i'd say it's a no~go.

    PS. I'm a civilian contractor, so not as rigid as the blokes at Camp Eggers.

    and skip the dbol on a first cycle.

  6. #6
    jcevans7 is offline Junior Member
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    Sust 250 makes sense, how could I front load it? I agree about the PCT is just as important if not more than the test. Yah you contractors have it pretty good for ordering getting stuff out here. 100mg of Sust a week sound like a good start, would clomid still be enough of a PCT or should I bump up to Novadex? Thanks for the replies.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yes, nolva and clomid for PCT. And 250 means 250mgs per ml(or cc). 100mgs a week is not sufficient in my book. I would recommend between 400-500mgs.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcevans7 View Post
    Sust 250 makes sense, how could I front load it? I agree about the PCT is just as important if not more than the test. Yah you contractors have it pretty good for ordering getting stuff out here. 100mg of Sust a week sound like a good start, would clomid still be enough of a PCT or should I bump up to Novadex? Thanks for the replies.
    week 2 - 10 500mg test e
    week 1 (and day 1) 500 mg sust
    day 1 through 14 - 500mg/7 as the daily amount to pin (250mg/ml x 2ml = 500mg, 2ml / 7 = pin at the 3 tic mark on a 1ml syringe)

    the daily pinning is an attempt to keep blood serum levels stable due to the P that is in the sust

    so on day one, you would be pinning 2.3ml sust (which is only about 175mg of P)
    day 2 would be .3ml and so forth...
    Last edited by Times Roman; 06-10-2012 at 03:58 PM.

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcevans7 View Post
    Sust 250 makes sense, how could I front load it? I agree about the PCT is just as important if not more than the test. Yah you contractors have it pretty good for ordering getting stuff out here. 100mg of Sust a week sound like a good start, would clomid still be enough of a PCT or should I bump up to Novadex? Thanks for the replies.
    ordering? you just walk into the pharm and buy what you want. best to print out a pic of what you are looking for, and they will take the printout from to see what they have in stock. btw.... amps are always preferable to vials, much more difficult to get bogus that way...

  10. #10
    bob87's Avatar
    bob87 is offline Member
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    you could order your pct to your house and have it waiting for you when you get home. you have 18 days from memory from your last sust injection to start of pct

  11. #11
    jcevans7 is offline Junior Member
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    I have to order it online out here, as I'm not in Cali where I would just go to Mexico for the weekend. Two contractors I know ran cycles off from this source so I'm not worried about the validity of the site. Before they left I they made enough sense to try it. At least once.

    I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel. I don't think I fully understand the cycle though... I'll start with Sust for week 1 and end of week 2

    After that move to Test E for 10 weeks? Is this correct?

    Than run Nolva and clomid for PCT. Start with the Nolva transition into Clomid tell all my natural levels are stable again.

    I do appreciate the help and advice from everyone, I have enough humility to know that I am not one to give advice, but more to receive it here.

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