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Thread: Help!!!

  1. #1

    Cool Help!!!

    Ok I'm close to starting a new cycle and need some advice because I want to do this cycle RIGHT. I am new to anabolics. I have 2 cycles under my belt. I'm a former D1 athlete and my goal is to cut and get a 6 pack. (Ex lineman) I'm very dedicated and I have my nutrition set and in check. I also have a medical background and understand pathophysiology so please you can use medical terms. My playing weight was 304 lbs. I'm currently down to 265 at around 15 - 17% BF. I squat over 600lbs and bench well over 400. Strength is there just want LEAN-NESS! The stack I have currently is :

    60 Winnie Tabs 50mg
    Winnie inj. oil based = 20ml
    20 ml Prop 100mg/ml
    20mg tren 100mg/ml
    60 arimidex 10mg
    shit ton of hcg
    750 anavar tabs 10mg
    25ml masteron 100mg/ml
    t3 tabs

    Anything else I need??? Opinions?? Suggestions?? What I would really like to know is what is the best way to take this stack. Also can get more of anything if I need too so let me know. ALL advice is GREATLY appreciated!! Thx!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    About peacock54
    Body Fat %:
    Training Experience:
    12 years or more
    Bodybuilding Knowledge:
    Cycle Experience:
    3 total

    Your Profile says 3 cycles under your belt. What other cycles have you run? Are you sure you're 13% body fat? If so, and you have some experience running TEST already... I'd say go with... sh1t... you don't really have alot of TEST which is key. But if all you really want is to lean out and get a six pack, you've got alot of extra/unnessesary sh1t on hand. Going off what you have already and considering your goals, I'd go with ...

    weeks 1-7 Test Prop 100mg EOD
    Weeks 1-7 Anavar or Winny ED (anavar considering you have so much and its better anyway IMO)
    Arimidex... everyones effective dose seems to be different. But at 300 mgs of Test a week, you may not need it anyway.
    Plan+buy all your PCT before you begin cycle!
    Clean diet... I'm assuming you know how to diet.
    Have your Big lifting days and focus alot more on cardio/excersizing your abs and you'll lean out/have a six pack

  3. #3
    This will be my 3rd cycle. 1st was sus, dball, deca...second sus, eq, winnie inj. You dont recommend the Tren nor Masteron??? And i'm in the mid teens for BF. Not sure EXACTLY where it is but in there somewhere. I can get more prop if needed also. As for PCT clomid is all else I would need with what I already have??? Thx for the reply! Lemme know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I'm gonna let other guys recommend what you should do. I just recommended what seemed right to me as far as what you have, your stats, and what your goals are. I don't think anything other than the Prop (more would be good) and a "cutter" like winny/anavar would be nescessary. And what does a sh1t ton of HCG mean?

  5. #5
    Enough HCG for at least a few cycles...and thx for the input

  6. #6
    Help please! Anyone else have any suggestions on taking this stack????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I have to agree in part with what flacco recommended without knowing what your real goal is. I know you.said to have a six pack but is that just for like girls at.the.beach or are.trying to lean up because you want to compete? Reason I ask is because if it is just for like the beach then if you drop a little size its and then I agree with flacco and no real need IMO to go with so much.gear. just save it and use.for a later cycle. If your wanting to compete then keeping as much size and fullness as.possible is important so you could take more compounds. Does that make sense?

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