Ok I'm close to starting a new cycle and need some advice because I want to do this cycle RIGHT. I am new to anabolics. I have 2 cycles under my belt. I'm a former D1 athlete and my goal is to cut and get a 6 pack. (Ex lineman) I'm very dedicated and I have my nutrition set and in check. I also have a medical background and understand pathophysiology so please you can use medical terms. My playing weight was 304 lbs. I'm currently down to 265 at around 15 - 17% BF. I squat over 600lbs and bench well over 400. Strength is there just want LEAN-NESS! The stack I have currently is :
60 Winnie Tabs 50mg
Winnie inj. oil based = 20ml
20 ml Prop 100mg/ml
20mg tren 100mg/ml
60 arimidex 10mg
shit ton of hcg
750 anavar tabs 10mg
25ml masteron 100mg/ml
t3 tabs
Anything else I need??? Opinions?? Suggestions?? What I would really like to know is what is the best way to take this stack. Also can get more of anything if I need too so let me know. ALL advice is GREATLY appreciated!! Thx!