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Thread: My Summer Cut

  1. #1
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    My Summer Cut

    I have been doing some research and been reading the last few days about oral only cycles. Now please, take away your fixed opinions on this subject and just hear me out first. One particular cycle I have been constantly coming across (about eight in every ten people have said they have got great success with this) involves Anavar , Proviron (I am not prone to hair loss), and Clomid/Nolva. A fair share of them said (and they are considered vets on their respective websites) they didn't even use Clomid or Nolva at the end of their cycle, but I just laughed to myself and thought I'd rather be safe than sorry. Also apparently the Proviron really kicks your libido right back up, as well as hardening your muscles. I would just like some clarification on whether Proviron would be necessary?

    I think my whole cycle (including support supplements) that I would like to do would last about fifteen weeks in total. Don't be alarmed - if you look closely I am only running Anavar for seven weeks. I was thinking something along the lines of this: Liv52 (weeks 1-15), Anavar (60MG ED weeks 3-10), and Nolvadex (100MG day 1, 60MG days 2-12, 40MG days 12-21). What are your thoughts on this? By the way, I read that taking both Clomid and Nolva after an Anavar cycle is optimal as opposed to running one or the other alone - is this correct? If so, would it be good to include Clomid to cover all angles?

    Also, apparently taking a lot of creatine is very good when on Anavar - is this correct? My current supplement intake is creatine monohydrate, amino acids, beta alanine and a multivitamin. Would I need to stop the consumption of any of these for the above cycle? Finally, Some people have also stated that they took HCGenerate for the duration of the Anavar cycle to be safe, but would that require dropping either Nolva or Clomid?

    Thanks brahs!
    Last edited by sharmabrah; 06-11-2012 at 02:49 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Anavar is weak at best even when used with Test. You are better off sticking to cardio and diet by far and giving up the idea to cycle until you are ready.

  3. #3
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Anavar is weak at best even when used with Test. You are better off sticking to cardio and diet by far and giving up the idea to cycle until you are ready.
    I see what you are saying, however I have noticed that a fair amount of people have stated getting great results with it. Are you going by heresay or personal experience? I just think that it would be a nice addition to a solid cardio routine and clean diet.

  4. #4
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    Ive used Anavar yes, mild to no results. You will mostly year from people who got good results who are afraid to pin, oral only cycles and not educated.

  5. #5
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ive used Anavar yes, mild to no results. You will mostly year from people who got good results who are afraid to pin, oral only cycles and not educated.
    I don't mean to ask, but what were your goals when you were on the Anavar cycle? In terms of results, do you mean in relation to mass gaining or it's primary purpose of shredding fat? I have so much difficulty losing stomach fat - namely abdominal and visceral fat. I seem have much more difficulty losing fat in these areas compared to most other guys. I really hate it, because I'm not fat either. I've been a skinny build my whole life but just prone to having fat around my stomach - not much, but just really annoying and I want to see visible abs for once.

  6. #6
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    I dont have short term goal like a lot of people, I'm in it for the long haul. I was looking for a little more solid lean muscle gains. I changed nothing, not my diet, routine or my current HRT dose so I knew it would be only Anavar making the difference. Nothing really noticeable using 75mg+ a day for 6 weeks.

    You are only 20 and looking for a way around dont use aas before 24/25 but this is not the way. Stick with diet, training and learning without trying to find a way of using before you are really ready. You can still risk shutting down your natural test even though you think it may be a safer way to go.

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  8. #8
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I dont have short term goal like a lot of people, I'm in it for the long haul. I was looking for a little more solid lean muscle gains. I changed nothing, not my diet, routine or my current HRT dose so I knew it would be only Anavar making the difference. Nothing really noticeable using 75mg+ a day for 6 weeks.

    You are only 20 and looking for a way around dont use aas before 24/25 but this is not the way. Stick with diet, training and learning without trying to find a way of using before you are really ready. You can still risk shutting down your natural test even though you think it may be a safer way to go.
    Yeah I see what you are saying - you seem like a very knowledgeable poster looking out for the best interests of young people such as myself. I will never do more than five cycles my whole life, so I'm not going to be a regular user even if I try some Anavar soon. I don't want you thinking that just because I start early means I will be cycling for many more years to come. This is certainly not the case. If I was to cycle Anavar around October or November, I will have a perfect diet and everything in order. Added to the fact I wouldn't cycle again for at least another two years.

    I just really can't explain how effing annoying my abdominal and visceral fat is man. I just feel as though Anavar would be my best option, as well as the most safe. I just want to be able to be confident about my abdominal area and not be afraid to take my shirt off. Sounds really gay, but you get what I mean. I appreciate your advice bro I really do. But at the moment, Anavar seems like the only option for me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    Yeah I see what you are saying - you seem like a very knowledgeable poster looking out for the best interests of young people such as myself. I will never do more than five cycles my whole life, so I'm not going to be a regular user even if I try some Anavar soon. I don't want you thinking that just because I start early means I will be cycling for many more years to come. This is certainly not the case. If I was to cycle Anavar around October or November, I will have a perfect diet and everything in order. Added to the fact I wouldn't cycle again for at least another two years.

    I just really can't explain how effing annoying my abdominal and visceral fat is man. I just feel as though Anavar would be my best option, as well as the most safe. I just want to be able to be confident about my abdominal area and not be afraid to take my shirt off. Sounds really gay, but you get what I mean. I appreciate your advice bro I really do. But at the moment, Anavar seems like the only option for me.
    One thing you should learn is to never say never. Ive said it FAR to many times in my life and have learned that when you say Never that is most likely what will happen. 5 cycle is not that much if done correctly especially over a lifetime. If you only did one cycle a year you can easily do 35 cycle before you are 60 and NO, 60 is not to old to do a cycle if done right.

    I hear you about the abs, that has always been my weak point. I finally started getting abs once I got down to 10% body fat, still nothing impressive like a lot of guys have but part of it is just genetics. I didnt have abs until I was 47. lol It really is mostly just training and diet, diet being key getting the body fat down while still eating enough to gain muscle. There is a LOT of great information in the diet section. Just dont let it over whelm you and take it one step at a time.

    Dont let set backs discourage you either, we ALL have them. Life loves to get in the way and make it hard to reach your goals but as long as your goals are realistic and not short term you should be fine. My goals are typically 1 year out or more and I have had my share of set backs to where I basically have to start all over like I'm doing right now due to shoulder surgery recently but it's all part of the game.

    Best thing is to take things slow. We all want to lift heavy and if I could do things over again I would NOT lift heavy. I would never lift anything I could not do comfortably and with perfect form at least 20+ times warming up and my minimum 8 reps maxed out after a GOOD workout and a lot of stretching. Nothing like a torn shoulder, ruptured discs or any injury to screw things up and all those LITTLE injuries you get in your 20s add up and in your 40s they become a BIG problem.... 40 comes a lot quicker than you can imagine also so enjoy it while you can and take things SLOW.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-11-2012 at 07:14 AM.

  10. #10
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    One think you should learn is to never say never. Ive said it FAR to many times in my life and have learned that when you say Never that is most likely what will happen. 5 cycle is not that much if done correctly especially over a lifetime. If you only did one cycle a year you can easily do 35 cycle before you are 60 and NO, 60 is not to old to do a cycle if done right.

    I hear you about the abs, that has always been my weak point. I finally started getting abs once I got down to 10% body fat, still nothing impressive like a lot of guys have but part of it is just genetics. I didnt have abs until I was 47. lol It really is mostly just training and diet, diet being key getting the body fat down while still eating enough to gain muscle. There is a LOT of great information in the diet section. Just dont let it over whelm you and take it one step at a time.

    Dont let set backs discourage you either, we ALL have them. Life loves to get in the way and make it hard to reach your goals but as long as your goals are realistic and not short term you should be fine. My goals are typically 1 year out or more and I have had my share of set backs to where I basically have to start all over like I'm doing right now due to shoulder surgery recently but it's all part of the game.

    Best thing is to take things slow. We all want to lift heavy and if I could do things over again I would NOT lift heavy. I would never lift anything I could not do comfortably and with perfect form at least 20+ times warming up and my minimum 8 reps maxed out after a GOOD workout and a lot of stretching. Nothing like a torn shoulder, ruptured discs or any injury to screw things up and all those LITTLE injuries you get in your 20s add up and in your 40s they become a BIG problem.... 40 comes a lot quicker than you can imagine also so enjoy it while you can and take things SLOW.
    Thanks mate! You are an absolute legend. I will take your advice and try my best to not touch AAS before I am at least twenty four. It is tempting - really tempting - but I want to prove to myself that I can push myself to the limit without the use of steroids . It just seems like such an easy route, but nothing comes easy I suppose.
    Last edited by sharmabrah; 06-11-2012 at 05:13 AM.

  11. #11
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    ^^ good man, glad you took on lovbyts advice

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