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Thread: Deca n winstrol or deca n sus

  1. #1

    Deca n winstrol or deca n sus

    Any1 tell me what's best??
    Deca n winstrol or deca n sus??! Please help... Cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    welcome to the forums
    what is your stats and cycle experiance?
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  3. #3
    I've done a few cycles of test n dbol.. But didnt see much gains... Had few month of now and ready to start again.. A buddy of mine does deca along with sus... But heard you can run winstrol with deca to

    I'm 6ft 4

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How old are you, nate?

  5. #5
    31... 32 in few month

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    What are your goals? Why did you not see results from your test dbol cycles? At 6-4 187 I'm going out on a limb and say diet. At 31 yrs old you need to be eating right to cycle. What is yor bf?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I agree. Diet may be the culprit. Would you post your diet for us to take a look at?

  8. #8
    Diets fine.. I'm nutritionist... I just think the test n dbol wasn't real... And the fact every 1 is diff.. I was just advised if it's not doing anything for me then just come of.. Bf... I'm not sure.. Have to check on that

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I'm still interested in what you ate yesterday. I understand if you don't want to post it. But it would be educational to see what a nutritionist eats to bulk.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Not to offend but even if gear was fake. You should be heavier for height. You should be 200 lbs + natty.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by nate31 View Post
    Diets fine.. I'm nutritionist... I just think the test n dbol wasn't real... And the fact every 1 is diff.. I was just advised if it's not doing anything for me then just come of.. Bf... I'm not sure.. Have to check on that
    no disrespect mate, but a nutritionist is taught with respect to a regular bloke. we're a little different. go ahead and post in the diet section, including macros per meal, and total macros per day. include your tdee so we can bench mark against it. at 6'4", it seems like you are not eating "enough".

    So let me ask you. since it seems you are a hard gainer, and you are trying to bulk, why wouuld you even consider winnie?

  12. #12
    On training days I eat
    Oats n toast
    Protein shake, fruit..
    2 lean chicken breast... Whole grain pasta n grilled veg
    Protein shake
    3 tins of tuna... 12 eggs.. (throughout day)
    Steak or chops.. New potatoes.. Boiled veg.. Sweetcorn..
    protein shake..
    Light snack.. Usually fruit n a snack bar

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    You have a lot of protein. Need more carbs. I would drop at least one of the shakes if not both for real food.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nate31 View Post
    On training days I eat
    Oats n toast
    Protein shake, fruit..
    2 lean chicken breast... Whole grain pasta n grilled veg
    Protein shake
    3 tins of tuna... 12 eggs.. (throughout day)
    Steak or chops.. New potatoes.. Boiled veg.. Sweetcorn..
    protein shake..
    Light snack.. Usually fruit n a snack bar
    again, no disrespect, but I see some flaws. most here avoid the whole grain pasta since the GV is too high. same with the new potatos, if potatos, either sweet or yams is preferred. the light snack of fruit or a snack bar is simple carbs, something we try to avoid. Good use of the veggies I do admit.

    we need to track the macros for this to work. go here and see....
    need to know the composition as protein/carb/fat and calories

    go here to find a simple formula to calculate your tdee:

    now go to the diet section here

    and post a new thread your diet, along with the macros per meal and total macros per day. include your tdee so we can bench mark against it. I'd like to see at least 500 cals/day over tdee, preferably 1000.


  15. #15
    Tried dropping protein.. My metabolism is still fast.. So burn fat even when not training.. Dropping my protein intake I seem to loose a few lbs.. Im built for endurance, so I've always found it hard to gain weight n put large amounts of muscle on.. Being 187 is the heaviest I've ever been.. But want to hit the 200s... Just wanted you guys advice on sus n deca...

  16. #16
    Cheers roman

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Clarification. Good carbs. Brown rice sweet potatoe Lentiles ( my favorite)

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    I'd hold off on the deca until you've exhausted gains from legit test. deca can bring some unsavory sides (aka 'deca dick") that can be a challange to manage. But, deca does have merit. If the test you were running in the past didn't do much for you, I'd suggest the possibbility it may not have been legit? Most respond very well to test. How much did you run and how long did you run it? Suggest test e or c at 500mg / week for 12 weeks. This is a pretty standard cycle for beginners, and most see good results from it.

    If you get some legit test, and after posting your diet, and the constructive criticism that follows is incorporated, and you are 500 preferably 1000 cals above tdee, you will see gains.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nate31 View Post
    Diets fine.. I'm nutritionist... I just think the test n dbol wasn't real... And the fact every 1 is diff.. I was just advised if it's not doing anything for me then just come of.. Bf... I'm not sure.. Have to check on that
    You clearly do not know how to diet correctly for weight gain if you are that skinny. How much are you eating?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Something isnt right with your diet.Like the Buffalo said you should be in the 200 range easy.The diet section can help but you need to list your food with macros.Those guys will make you grow.

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