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  1. #1
    Wolv256 is offline Associate Member
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    Can you bulk and then cut on same cycle?

    Can you bulk and then cut on the same cycle? What I'd be thinking is a 12 week cycle of test, 500 mg/week with Winn added the last 6 weeks. Also do proper ancillaries and PCT (HCG and Arimidex during, Nolva and Clomid after). But, what I mean is basically changing your nutrition. So weeks 1-6 you're about 500 or so calories per day over your TDEE and then after 6 weeks when you start the Winn change to be slightly below your TDEE with the logic that when you're all done you'd be bigger and leaner. Would this be less effective than say 12 weeks of bulking or cutting? I understand that you wouldn't want to combine too many orals in a cycle, so you wouldn't want to mix Dbol or A-Bombs with Winn, but I'm talking just test. Would this make sense or should you pick one goal per cycle?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    why dont you just clean bulk. Then there is no need to cut, why add fat to just try and drop it in a couple weeks?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    better to just have a single ggoal

  4. #4
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not really. People brand new to BB can do it but very soon your going to have to pick something and roll with it. Like Gixxer said, clean bulk is THE way. You start gaining and then losing BF, LBM, calories etc too fast and your body doesn't have enough time to get used to carrying the extra muscle. You start yo-yoing weight. which leads to BP issues and it just sort of spirals from there. This is one of the main obstacles to overcome when cycling. There's no need to exacerbate the problem by constantly changing your diet too. That said, I've found carb cycling (which is exactly that) to be an excellent way to drop BF while maintaining muscle, but generally a real clean 500-1000 calorie over mai8ntainence diet while on cycle (and after cycle IMO will give you the best results when the smoke finally clears. I used to think you needed to carry more body fat to get stronger because you here the pro's are all doing it, but I've learned they're talking about more than say 2-3%. I like to hang around 8-10%, still make nice steady gains, still have vascularity in my abs and quads and don't have to do all those fvcking drastic, 16 week cuts (which I hate!)! That said, I don't compete, but if you do I guess there's no avoiding it...

  5. #5
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    x2 @ Gixxerboy1

  6. #6
    Darkness's Avatar
    Darkness is offline Member
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    Winny in the last 6 weeks in not a bad deal. Its common to help clean up the deca or drol water etc.

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