Hey guys, I'm 28 years old, been cycling for years now. I screwed my natural levels up back in the day and am now going to a TRT doc. 3 weeks ago, my levels were 64 and E was at 20. So I started on 1 1/2 CC of Cyp once a week. I also have been using Tren and Prop along with it at 100mg/each EOD. I started Arimidex at .5mg EOD last week when I went to get more BW done. Got a call today and my test levels were 1500 and E was 139! (normal between 20-30). Also my prolactin levels were high because of the tren. The doc said they wanted to try and see what the arimidex would do before prescribing a PI, but my nipples hurt like hell and I have huge knots! Any ideas?