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Thread: Few questions

  1. #1
    tontizzle is offline New Member
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    Few questions

    Im sure this has been asked before, I'm still doing a lot of reading and its raising a few questions.

    If I run a 8 week cycle of test e how long would it take with a PCT to return testosterone levels to normal? I understrand the PCT would take 6 weeks, would I be at low test levels for that long? Basically Im a bit worried about turning into a moody sexless mess for 6 weeks!

    Also is there a chance I could end up with permanent ED from a cycle? I aint got no probs now so I dont want to be giving myself any

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    there is no standard answer, mate. everybody is different. some guys bounce back quickly after pct, and others take a long time. and every once in a while, they don't bounce back the way they should. Yes, taking steroids is a risk.

    and yes, you can get ED from taking steroids.

  3. #3
    tontizzle is offline New Member
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    Interesting, not the blanket reassurance I was hoping for tho!

    How likely is the chances of ED or not ever returning to natural test levels? Is it a big risk?

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would say with your cycle the chances are higher that you will be fine then screwed up permanently .
    But yes during pct you may feel crappy.
    Everyone is different
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
    NotConvincedYet is offline Associate Member
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    Steroids are risky business period! It's good you are asking these questions so you can weigh up the risks yourself, and take appropriate measures.

    The thing is with roids many of the risks are on an individual basis. Some are prone to gyno, others aren't, some prone to acne, some are not. The same goes with hair loss, ED and other stuff. And you won't find this out until you have a go.

    What's important though are the dosages, compounds used (not just aas), length etc. This will minimize any unwanted effects.

  6. #6
    Aaryan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotConvincedYet View Post
    Steroids are risky business period! It's good you are asking these questions so you can weigh up the risks yourself, and take appropriate measures.

    The thing is with roids many of the risks are on an individual basis. Some are prone to gyno, others aren't, some prone to acne, some are not. The same goes with hair loss, ED and other stuff. And you won't find this out until you have a go.

    What's important though are the dosages, compounds used (not just aas), length etc. This will minimize any unwanted effects.

    Exactly. Great post

  7. #7
    tontizzle is offline New Member
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    Thanks folks. I'm intent on becoming geek of the steroid class before I touch anything.

    Seen it before back home where guys go throwing stuff in their body without any knowledge, make huge gains and then loose it all. Don't want that to be me.

    One more question. If I only ever did the one cycle would I be able to keep whatever gains I still have after PCT with regular training and good diet or would my body still try to return to pre steroid size?

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