Hey everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to read my post, much appreciated!
before I ask the questions, I will post my info, it might help some people (who knows).

Body Info:

165 pounds
6' ft
4 years gym (bodybuilding)
235 max bench
300 dead-lift
230 squat
5 days gym, never skip, minimum 2-3hours a day workout
diet is well maintained, I eat minimum of 5 times a day, intake over 2700 calories/day(5 times of real food, not some chocolate bar crap)

I've been on a stable path of no gain or lose for a while and I know I reached my max for the now.
ALTHOUGH I'm not a fan of steroids, I do want to do a cycle and see how my body react to it, it most likely will be my only cycle for a long time (If I ever want to do another, it will be after a year or 2 from this one).


Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg/wk, AI during cycle (Proviron), PCT (Nolvadex + Clomid)
1 250mg test
2 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
3 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
4 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
5 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
6 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
7 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
8 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
9 250mg test + Proviron 25mg
10 250mg test (LAST INJECTION)
11 40mg Nolvadex + 100mg Clomid
12 40mg Nolvadex + 100mg Clomid
13 20mg Nolvadex + 50mg Clomid
14 20mg Nolvadex + 50mg Clomid
15 10mg Nolvadex + 25mg Clomid
16 10mg Nolvadex + 25mg Clomid

Now, I will put some links for more information:

why am I taking AI during my cycle?

What are these products:
Nolvadex, Clomid, Proviron and what is the difference?

1) the reason I'm taking 250mg/wk because it's my first time and don't tell me it's not enough, that is 5x more the usual range for a grown up (male body produce about 6mg a day, or about 50 a week). It's more than enough for myself, REMEMBER; I'm not going all on crazy, step by step!
2) for me, I will do this once and I WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN for a minimum of a year or 2. FOR YOU HOWEVER, if you want to do cycle after cycle, please REMEMBER: time on+PCT= TIME OFF! so if it takes you 16wks over all, YOU MUST take 16wks OFF, unless you want f*** up your system.

1) is it necessary to take HCG during my cycle, or AI is enough?
2) is 10 wks enough? or should I go 12wks? I KNOW test is slow estrogen but still debating.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your "don't take roids" to yourself, and don't be rude.
I will appreciate it if you ONLY answer my questions or give me a good suggestions

Thanks everyone for your time!