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Thread: Sust 250 + Cyp Stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Sust 250 + Cyp Stack

    Hey whats going on guys. I am on week 8 of my test cycle. For the first 7 weeks I was just taking Enanthate and starting week 8 I figured I'd change it up a bit for the last 4 weeks or so stacking sust and cyp. I am planning on running the last couple weeks like this.....

    Week 8-12: Monday - 250mg. Sust 250
    Tuesday - 125mg. Cyp
    Thursday - 125mg. Sust 250
    Friday - 250mg. Cyp

    That will give me 750mg. total test and it is spread out pretty nice to give me optimum levels. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    At this point in your cycle, I would suggest that switching to a different ester would simply disrupt any stability you may have gained thus far.

    And if you're going to get any benefit from the Sus, you'd have to be pinning eod to take advantage of the prop.

    Just stick with the Enan. My opinion.

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