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Thread: liquid stane

  1. #1
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    liquid stane

    Finally decided to start cycle today. Test drew into needle perfectly and injected perfectly with no pain what so ever...

    The liquid stane(AI) was very difficult to draw into the needle (23g, 1"). But injected easily (there looks like there is alot of debris causing it to be hard to draw, when i drew it into the needle only the fluidwent into the syringe).. next time should i take off the needle and dip the syringe into the bottle and take what is needed, then put the needle back on and pin myself?

  2. #2
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Has anyone else ran into this before? If so what did u do

  3. #3
    castiron's Avatar
    castiron is offline Associate Member
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    I thought those products were for consumption not pinning?

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    its oral NOT an injectable
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    I will laugh really hard if that is true.. smh

  6. #6
    castiron's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    next time should i take off the needle and dip the syringe into the bottle and take what is needed, then put the needle back on and pin myself?
    Next time you need to know you drink it

  8. #8
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Welp thanks... im a dumb ass

  9. #9
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Hey what doesnt kill u makes u stronger right... or smarter...

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    just keep an eye on it. It wasnt a sterile solution. I dont know how it will react
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Brohim's Avatar
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    it's kind of funny. I thought you were joking

  12. #12
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    I remember asking someone that before and they told me to pin or maybe i misunderstood...

  13. #13
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    Finally decided to start cycle today. Test drew into needle perfectly and injected perfectly with no pain what so ever...

    The liquid stane(AI) was very difficult to draw into the needle (23g, 1"). But injected easily (there looks like there is alot of debris causing it to be hard to draw, when i drew it into the needle only the fluidwent into the syringe).. next time should i take off the needle and dip the syringe into the bottle and take what is needed, then put the needle back on and pin myself?
    im calling bullsh1t. there's no way you did that.....did you??

  14. #14
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Its been 16 hours and actually no bruising, pain, swelling or anything..

  15. #15
    papa-g's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07
    Its been 16 hours and actually no bruising, pain, swelling or anything..
    Didn't it come with an ORAL syringe?

  16. #16
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    No fvcking way you injected that shit. . . Really?

  17. #17
    kif's Avatar
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    Holy hell batman, what the Christ is goin on here

  18. #18
    Papiriqui's Avatar
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    Yeah that is some crazy shyt!!! How the hell did you buy this stuff without asking a couple questions first?? Or read a few threads that have ar-r related products that people talk about on a daily basis..... Hope you dont get any swelling or bruising or pains. Best of luck!!!

  19. #19
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    Finally decided to start cycle today. Test drew into needle perfectly and injected perfectly with no pain what so ever...

    The liquid stane(AI) was very difficult to draw into the needle (23g, 1"). But injected easily (there looks like there is alot of debris causing it to be hard to draw, when i drew it into the needle only the fluidwent into the syringe).. next time should i take off the needle and dip the syringe into the bottle and take what is needed, then put the needle back on and pin myself?
    I hope you are being comical here.......

  20. #20
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Ohh boy....

    I can't believe what i'm reading.

    You better watch the injection site carefully, watch for redness, tenderness to the touch, swelling, and pain. And keep close eye for fever. You just injected a UN-STERILE solution into your body not meant for injection. That stuff is for ORAL USE ONLY. I hope you don't get an infection...

  21. #21
    stugots150's Avatar
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    the liquid stand should of came with a plastic thing to suck it out of the bottle.. im my case i use a syringe and first week i took a half cc from the syringeevery day for a week, then the next week i wentto a full cc.. i think i have the bloading under control so next week ill go back to a half cc then week after every other day.. i went from 240 andnow im at 219, lost alot of water weight

  22. #22
    stugots150's Avatar
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    hey atomini, i have a question im taking test E and i do my thigh every 4 days.. left n right.. and my last time i went to the right maybe i didnt heat it up too well but i been very sore for almost 6 days now.. its gotten better little by little but i can still feel the knot in my thigh.. i did my shot last night on my left nice and slow and heated it up very well no pain.. yesterday makes my 9th shot in my first cycle.. im assumin its gonna be fine, but i guess just curious. i know for a fact i wount be able to do my next shot on my right in 2 days.. sorry for the rambling but thanks bud

  23. #23
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    This is an EPIC FAIL!!!

  24. #24
    DGK is offline Member
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    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww natural selection at work right here folks.. lets hope he doesnt breed lol jk op but seriously u pinned it wtf

  25. #25
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by kif View Post
    Holy hell batman, what the Christ is goin on here
    Did someone say batman?

  26. #26
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Selective breeding.
    Last edited by Misery13; 06-23-2012 at 04:58 AM.

  27. #27
    leewil1 is offline Junior Member
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    My god, just checking youre not taking your test orally are you?

  28. #28
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Post back on what happens.

    I took the shit for a while and I just can't imagine sticking myself with a needle full of it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by stugots150 View Post
    hey atomini, i have a question im taking test E and i do my thigh every 4 days.. left n right.. and my last time i went to the right maybe i didnt heat it up too well but i been very sore for almost 6 days now.. its gotten better little by little but i can still feel the knot in my thigh.. i did my shot last night on my left nice and slow and heated it up very well no pain.. yesterday makes my 9th shot in my first cycle.. im assumin its gonna be fine, but i guess just curious. i know for a fact i wount be able to do my next shot on my right in 2 days.. sorry for the rambling but thanks bud
    Is this your first cycle? If it is, that would explain your muscle's sensitivity to the gear. I would advise to wait it out, it may subside by the time your shot comes around. THere are times where I myself have been sore for a good 6 days, however, I have never been sore right up to the day where I am supposed to inject the same muscle.

    You mentioned you do your thighs every 4 days? You should be rotating injection sites every 7 days (meaning each site gets pinned once every 7 days). You're using Enanthate , by the way, which means you don't need as frequent injections as something like propionate . That means you should be able to pick a different site very easily.

  30. #30
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Absolutely nothing happened... actually didnt hurt and doesnt now three days later. The sust. Actually killed the second day but everything is good now... no swelling, redness, bruising or anything like that... i actually feel great.

    Sust and anavar giving me great pumps at the gym and NOW orally taking stane lol... im actually dropping weight like crazy witch i have absolutly no problem with

  31. #31
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    This is the problem with doing everything by phone... the ar-r site tells u nothing through the moble site (which is how i ordered it) .. i later went on there site on an actual computer and saw that it is an oral... o well. Atleast nothing bad happened.

  32. #32
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07
    This is the problem with doing everything by phone... the ar-r site tells u nothing through the moble site (which is how i ordered it) .. i later went on there site on an actual computer and saw that it is an oral... o well. Atleast nothing bad happened.
    You're very lucky nothing worse happened. Next time do yourself a favor and fully research anything you're putting in your body, including how to administer it.

  33. #33
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Seriously really? So why did you order it? Someone told you to? Hey I have a bridge for sale, interested? You obviously did NO research first. This is a growing problem, to many people just ordering aas or in this case an AI without knowing what it does, how it works how much to take or how to take it let alone why they are taking it or if they even need it. WTF???

    Like I said recently, most people put more research into a $20 MP3 player than they do aas.
    Personally I think you deserve a sterile abscess or infection just so maybe you will learn something from it and think before you do something like this.

    Thanks for adding to the Darwin award of the week list.

  34. #34
    DGK is offline Member
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    You didnt realize it was an oral and your blaming aar.. hey buddy did it come in anything that resembled a effing vial meant for inserting needles.. no it didnt it came with an oral syringe in a jar.. blame yourself for your stupidity not arr.. man i wish this site had a iq minimum

  35. #35
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I have to say out of all the stupid posts from me and others, this one is a damn winner.

    At least you're alright. . . . But, WTF? What would posses anyone to inject shit that looks like that?

    It is hard to top this one. . . . We need a testosterone drinker Or maybe a tren drinker.

  36. #36
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Wow... i never put blame on anyone... how about u all stop harassing me.. its over. K bye

  37. #37
    needbusa07 is offline New Member
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    Im not blaming arr at all so relax yourself

  38. #38
    Skyrinegt's Avatar
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    This is my fav thread

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    Wow... i never put blame on anyone... how about u all stop harassing me.. its over. K bye
    No sorry buddy, you are this weeks winner of the Hall of Shame post. BTW we do put blame on those that deserve it and that was really a knuckle head move. Let it be a life lesson to you that you dont just jump into something and you need to research everything before you take something or next time you may not be around for us to give you a hard time.

    Do you realize there are a lot of medicines, drugs and ever OTC stuff that you can not mix? There are people who die ever day because they took 2 seemingly safe prescriptions at the same time and a few minutes later their heart just stopped. You could have easily injected something that would have a severe reaction causing a massive infection or worse poisoning your bloodstream.

    You really need to make sure anything you are taking if it's OTC, mail order or prescription and make sure there are no adverse reaction with anything else you may be taking and of course the proper way to take it.

    You are going to get some heat for this for a while so just get some thick skin and deal with it. Like you said, if it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger so all the ridicule you will get for a while wont kill you but it will make you stronger as long as you arent to thin skinned.

  40. #40
    DGK is offline Member
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    Or re register with a new name bc this post will haunt you, just ask leather daddy or some of the other users who have posted ridiculous shit not knowing wtf they were talking about

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