Finally decided on a first cycle of Deca 400mg wk and Test-E 250mg wk, and I'm 3 days since first pin. Only had 5/8" syringe since the 1" needles that I ordered online didn't come in yet, so I stuck it in my thigh instead of risking not hitting muscle in the glute. Went well but pretty sore for the first two days, much better today. That seems to be a pretty low dose so I shot it all in the same spot but to attempt to limit pip for future injections I'm going to start splitting up the dose and pin twice a week. Quick stats: 30 yrs old, 5'8", 171, 14% bf, great diet and workout routien. Goals are modest, I'd like to put on about 15-20 lbs of good lean muscle and keep at least 75% of that hopefully.
My question is regarding PCT. I've read a lot about HCG being pretty hard on the body so I've opted not to include it on cycle, and for the relatively small cycle I'm running I don't think it is essential. As far as PCT goes, I'm thinking that maybe Nolva or Clomid alone may be sufficient... any opinions on this? Does anyone think that any AI's are necessary on cycle for doses this low?
Almost forgot, running 10 week cycle.